Psychology of Theft

After reading this week’s material, answer the following questions in the Forum:

– Discuss various categories which affect employee performance.


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The performance of employees is affected by a number of factors. Job fit is one of the factors that determine employees’ effectiveness and efficiency in the work environment. Understanding whether a person is qualified for a particular job position is imperative. Unqualified individuals tend to be incompetent and poor performers. The level and quality of training may also hinder the ability of employees to deliver quality work. An individual that lacks basic training on various job practices is most likely to mess things up in the workplace leading to failure of the company.

Unclear goals and expectations is another challenge that might affect performance. If a worker does not comprehend the goals of the institution and what is expected of them, the consequence is poor performance for they will be short-sighted and not function appropriately to achieve the objectives of the institution. The failure to perform well may affect employees’ pay package especially where certain aspects of compensation such as bonuses are based on performance. As a result, the effected workers may result to stealing from the company to compensate for the lost/missed earnings.   Lack of tools and equipment is another factor that might influence the performance of a worker in an institution. Various factors might…


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