ASSIGNMENT HELP | Organizational Policies and Practices to Support Healthcare Issues

Quite often, nurse leaders are faced with ethical dilemmas, such as those associated with choices between competing needs and limited resources. Resources are finite, and competition for those resources occurs daily in all organizations.
For example, the use of 12-hour shifts has been a strategy to retain nurses. However, evidence suggests that as nurses work more hours in a shift, they commit more errors. How do effective leaders find a balance between the needs of the organization and the needs of ensuring quality, effective, and safe patient care?
In this Discussion, you will reflect on a national healthcare issue and examine how competing needs may impact the development of polices to address that issue.



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To Prepare:
• Review the Resources and think about the national healthcare issue/stressor you previously selected for study in Module 1.
• Reflect on the competing needs in healthcare delivery as they pertain to the national healthcare issue/stressor you previously examined.


Post an explanation of how competing needs, such as the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients, may impact the development of policy. Then, describe any specific competing needs that may impact the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected. What are the impacts, and how might policy address these competing needs? Be specific and provide examples.


Excellent Good Fair Poor
Main Posting 45 (45%) – 50 (50%)
Answers all parts of the discussion question(s) expectations with reflective critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module and current credible sources.

Supported by at least three current, credible sources.

Written clearly and concisely with no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style. 40 (40%) – 44 (44%)
Responds to the discussion question(s) and is reflective with critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.


At least 75% of post has exceptional depth and breadth.

Supported by at least three credible sources.

Written clearly and concisely with one or no grammatical or spelling errors and fully adheres to current APA manual writing rules and style. 35 (35%) – 39 (39%)
Responds to some of the discussion question(s).

One or two criteria are not addressed or are superficially addressed.

Is somewhat lacking reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.

Somewhat represents knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

Post is cited with two credible sources.

Written somewhat concisely; may contain more than two spelling or grammatical errors.

Contains some APA formatting errors. 0 (0%) – 34 (34%)
Does not respond to the discussion question(s) adequately.

Lacks depth or superficially addresses criteria.

Lacks reflection and critical analysis and synthesis.

Does not represent knowledge gained from the course readings for the module.

Contains only one or no credible sources.

Not written clearly or concisely.

Contains more than two spelling or grammatical errors.

Does not adhere to current APA manual writing rules and style.


Heavy workload for healthcare workers in healthcare organizations is an important stressor that affects the national healthcare | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | result in compromised healthcare service quality because it forces healthcare workers to work under very tight | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | cause healthcare workers to be prone to making medication errors hence compromising patient safety.

There are several competing needs that impact heavy workload among | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | a need for quality patient service against the shortage of healthcare professionals. As the U.S population increasingly becomes aged, the demand for healthcare services | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | demand level is not adequately met by the available healthcare workforce.

Secondly, the 12-hour shift and the need to provide quality patient services present | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | been an intervention to enhance staff motivation and as a way to ensure that healthcare professionals are available all the time to attend to patients, the strategy has proven unsuccessful | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | shown that with the 12-hour shifts, healthcare workers are highly likely to make mistakes which impact patient safety (Carter et al., 2016).

Healthcare policies may be used to address the above | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | the healthcare policy is to guide the delivery of services to | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | healthcare policy may be used to address the issue of shortage of healthcare workers. Passing a policy on nurse-patient ratios may be suitable to limit the amount of work that a nurse has to accomplish without undue | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | enhance the quality of services to patients as nurses’ workload will be reduced. Similarly, such a policy will also deal with the problem of the 12-hour shift in that healthcare workers may have to be available for shorter shifts which may improve the quality of healthcare services (Martin, 2015).


Carter, D., Gordon, J., & Watt, A. M. (2016). Competing principles for allocating health care resources. Journal of Medicine and Philosophy41(5), 558-583.

Dyrbye, L. N., Shanafelt, T. D., Sinsky, C. A., Cipriano, P. F., Bhatt, J., Ommaya, A., … & Meyers, D. (2017). Burnout among health care professionals: A call to explore and address this underrecognized threat to safe, high-quality care. NAM perspectives.

Martin, C. J. (2015). The effects of nurse staffing on quality of care. MedSurg Nursing24(2), S4-S4.

Qureshi, S. M., Purdy, N., Mohani, A., & Neumann, W. P. (2019). Predicting the effect of nurse–patient ratio on nurse workload and care quality using discrete event simulation. Journal of Nursing Management27(5), 971-980.


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