ASSIGNMENT HELP | Discuss similarities and differences between the Deming Cycle Methodology and the Kaizen approach to process improvement.

Process Management is about continuous improvement. Discuss similarities and differences between the Deming Cycle Methodology and the Kaizen approach to process improvement. Refer to this week’s lecture before crafting your post.



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Process Management

Process management is the activity that entails aligning processes so that they can go by the organization’s strategic goals. It also involves implementing all the planned processes | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | to managers and employees is still part of the process management as they are made aware of how to achieve the set goals and objectives. The point of focus, in this case, will be on Deming Cycle Methodology and Kaizen approach.

The Deming Cycle methodology refers to a management method that involves controlling or taking care of the continuous process in an organization (Dudin et al., 2015). It is all about making plans, implementing them, checking their effectiveness and acting where necessary. On the other | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | ork environment safer. Deming Cycle entails making small changes that are tested before being utilized fully. This is different from the Kaizen approach that involves making small changes to the whole process..

The major similarity between Deming Cycle methodology and the Kaizen approach is that they both involve making changes to the processes that are taking place in an o | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | to be put in place to fill them. The two approaches rely on the fact that making small changes to the existing process will lead to major…


Alukal, G., & Manos, A. (2006). Lean Kaizen: a simplified approach to process improvements. Quality Press.

Dudin, M., Frolova, E., Gryzunova, N., & Shuvalova, E. (2015). The Deming Cycle (PDCA) concept as an efficient tool for continuous quality improvement in the agribusiness. Asian Social Science11(1), 239-246.

Langley, J., & Moen, D. (2009). “The improvement guide: a practical approach to enhancing organizational performance.” Jossey-Bass.


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