Assignment Help | Briefly describe the group scenario that you are using for the Assignment.

Briefly describe the group scenario that you are using for the Assignment.
Explain the skills necessary to be a successful group facilitator for this population and/or issue type and within your chosen setting.
Explain the ethical and cultural issues that must be addressed before you can begin a group in this scenario.
Identify the three most important guidelines for multicultural and social justice competence that would guide you professionally and ethically once the group was underway. Explain why you selected these guidelines in particular.
Of the three guidelines you described, explain which one(s) you believe you need to develop additional knowledge or experience with as part of your professional development and why.



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Ethical and Cultural Issues in Group Work

It is often easy when people note on their Curriculum Vitae for job applications that their strength lies in their “ability to work in a group.” But how easy is it to work in a | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | share ideas of an organization with minimal or manageable confrontation. However, this definition has to be a shared one for all members of the organization. A team should combine individual strengths and a shared commitment to achieving performance and not just getting along together. Based on a youth group engaging in games in schools, this essay describes the..

Description of the Group Scenario

Games are important to many youths, especially those who are of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | students to develop their minds and physical ability. Sportsmanship always teaches values of discipline among learners (Bjornestad et al., 2016). As a football fan, I have first-hand experience of what happens when youths in schools come…

In most cases, the games are undertaken either within the same grade or a | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | youths always give themselves roles in terms of which position one has to play. The challenge, however, comes in when some youths feel they are better players than others. It is always also challenging when one of them is made the official officiating any game. There are always allegations of favoritism which at times makes the …

Skills Necessary to be a Successful Group Facilitator

Being a facilitator for the group described herein | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | has to be able to empower young people. What such a group need is a feeling of appreciation. It is therefore important that such young people are given space to develop collective action and learning even when they make mistakes. They also have to be involved in planning, delivery as well as evaluation of activities. Another skill is the ability to control emotions at all times. It can be quite a challenge to deal with a school-going youth group especially since most of them are adolescents and they have a feeling of “know it all.” They can at times mess and cause emotional moments. One, therefore, has to…

Ethical and Cultural Issues to be Addressed

There are many ethical and cultural issues that one has to address before beginning a group | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | is an important ethical practice. Aspects of conduct include what are the boundaries to be observed, possibilities of abuse and improper relationships. Understanding such boundaries help one avoid instances of abuse among youths as well as improve the youth-facilitator relationship. It is also important for a person to be as professional as possible in terms of planning. Assessment of students is also an important ethical practice. Facilitators have to ensure that only eligible youths are allowed to engage in the game. Facilitators also have to be culturally sensitive like in the kind of language they use towards the youths (Huang & Paterson, 2017). As a cultural practice, polite language has to be used towards them….


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