Post a clinically relevant research question using the PICOT format.

Post a clinically relevant research question using the PICOT format. How did you arrive at this topic and question? Why is it important?
You will be responding to one of the following discussion forum questions related to defining your research question using PICOT.
-Evaluate the Effectiveness Of Post-Discharge Follow-Up Among [Congestive Heart Failure or high-risk population] Patients on Reduction of Hospital Readmission, Improve Quality Of Life, Medication Reconciliation, Self-Care Skills and Coordination of Care During Transition to Home.

-Effectiveness of Nurse Practitioner’s Home Visits in Improving Patient Adherence in the Management of [Hypertension or population]


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Congestive heart failure is a lifestyle disease that continues to be common around the world. In the US, there are close to 5 million cases of people diagnosed with heart failure. These cases cut across all ages but dominate in people with color (Mozaffarian et al, 2016). Since the heart is a critical organ in the body, discharge of a person who has been treated with heart failure is critical as it has to assure safety and continuity of life. While in a hospital, the healthcare team always undertakes tests to check how well the heart is working (Chioncel et al, 2017). Some of what is expected for a person who has been discharged include sadness or depression, new eating habits among others. The project herein seeks to address the effectiveness of follow-ups in order to better the quality of life.

PICOT Question The PICOT question is: For patients that have congestive heart failure or other high-risk populations, does Post discharge follow-up mechanisms help improve the quality of life by reducing cases of readmission and improving self…


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