Military Strategy Assignment

C200 Exam AY 14-15

Name: ____________________   Date: _________________


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This assessment gauges your understanding of the ideas and concepts introduced in the C200 lessons as well as your use of them to analyze strategies.

General Instructions

  • This examination is worth 50% of the C200 block grade and is due after you have completed lessons C201 through C206.
  • You may use the C200 online lessons, readings, and references to help you answer the exam. 
  • You may not discuss this assignment with anyone other than a DDE faculty member or your academic advisor. 
  • All work MUST be your own.  You may NOT discuss this examination or your answers with any current or former CGSOC student.  
  • Your answers will be typed and double-spaced.  Use Times New Roman 12-pitch font and one-inch margins. 
  • Type your answers directly into the spaces provided.    Your typed responses will be double-spaced sentences (not bullets). 
  • Your answers should be approximately one typed page for each question.  Limit your answers to one page; for question # 6, do not exceed two pages.      
  • If you state something from doctrine, the readings or the lessons as part of your answer, you MUST give a citation in accordance with ST 22-2.  You may use parenthetical citations, endnotes, or footnotes on this exam.   
  • You do not have to submit a CGSC 1009w writing evaluation form with this exam. 
  • You must complete this assignment and all Phase 1 requirements before you can progress on to TASS or ADL Phase 2. 

CGSC does not tolerate cheating, plagiarism, or unauthorized collaboration.   Therefore, you should review CGSC Bulletin #920, Academic Ethics Policy (February 2011) and the DDE Academic Ethics brief posted on the course information page.  Violation of academic ethics will result in an investigation and possible removal from the course. 


__________LETTER GRADE:                           

A (90-100)

B (80-89)

C (70-79)

      _____         U (69 and below)


Requirement #Requirement ValueRequirement
112Instruments of National Power
212NSS 2010 – Ends, Ways, Means  
312QDR 2014 – Threat, Challenge, Opportunity, and Rationale
412Definition and Relevance of a State
512GCC and the Strategic Estimate
616GEF, JSCP, and Theater Strategy
712Strategy and Planning
812Crisis Action Planning & Deliberate Planning

TOTAL POINTS:                                

Grader: _________________


1.  The military is an instrument of national power.  Pick two other instruments of national power and briefly describe them.  Give at least two examples of each.  [12 points] 

a)  Instrument of national power

Diplomatic Power is an example of National Power.  It is a form of power that calls upon other subject matter experts to step in on behalf of the nation and influence, negotiate, and or create agreements to assist with solving a problem in others area of the world.  Ambassadors, heads of state, and other appointed officials collaborate as a team to negotiate various issues to create a balance for interaction while operating in and around one another.  Diplomacy is used to naturally strengthen the relationship between countries when the balance is good or as a strategy to deescalate an already tenuous and volatile situation when it is bad.  Diplomatic Power is also used to leverage a strained relationship into one that is often mutually beneficial to all parties involved.  [1]

b)  Two examples

One example of diplomatic power would be the agreement the United States made with Turkey to stage troops and equipment while waging war on Iraq for both Gulf Wars.  Another example of diplomatic power is the recent Iran nuclear deal which brought together six different heads of states to negotiate the lifting harsh sanctions in exchange for a stringently managed Iranian nuclear program devoid of future production of weapons grade plutonium.[2]

c)  Instrument of national power

Economic power is used as an instrument of power when it directly effects trade, sanctions and developmental interactions.  Government spending, taxation of imported goods, the United States’ monetary policies and interaction as well as trade interests also influence the ability to control other countries.  Economic power is not always as black and white as military or diplomatic power, but is just as encouraging for a country that depends on monetary support for the United States.  Economic power is often operating behind the scenes as s stabilizing force for both the United States and other global markets.

d)  Two examples

One example of economic power is the recent Iran nuclear deal where Iran’s own economy had suffered constricting sanctions by the global community because of their refusal to curtail their nuclear program and obstinace against allowing the global leaders access to their facilities.  Another example is the tumultuous relationship the United States has with North Korea.  In short, the United States provides economic aid to North Korea to not act like a petulant child, yet, typically has to resort to imposing sanction of North Korea for their gestures of was and human rights violations towards their own people.

2.  One ‘end’ defined in the National Security Strategy 2010 is the security of the United States, its citizens, and U.S. allies and partners.  A means associated with this end is U.S. nuclear forces.  Explain at least one way that U.S. nuclear forces will be used to achieve this end (refer to the QDR 2014, Section II, The Defense Strategy).  [12 points] 

3.  Using the QDR 2014 regarding the future security environment, describe the most significant threat, challenge, and opportunity and explain your rationale for choosing each.  [12 points] 

a) Threat

b)  Challenge

c)  Opportunity

d)  Rationale

4.  Define a state and discuss whether states are still relevant. [12 points] 

a) Provide a definition of a state using the C200 course materials.  Be sure to cite the author or doctrinal reference you used.    

b) Are states still relevant in the 21st century?  Explain why or why not. 

5.  For what purpose does the Geographic Combatant Commander conduct a Strategic Estimate? [12 points] 

6.  Describe how the Geographic Combatant Commander translates the strategic guidance and direction [contained in either the Guidance for Employment of the Force (GEF) or the Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP)] into planning for theater strategy.  [16 points; Do not exceed two pages for this question.] 

a)  GEF 

b)  JSCP

7.  Define strategy and explain how it informs planning.  [12 points] 

a)  Provide a definition of strategy using the C200 course materials.  Be sure to cite the author or doctrinal reference you used.   

b)  How does strategy inform planning?  Explain. 

8.  Describe how Crisis Action Planning differs from Deliberate Planning.  [12 points] 

NOTE:  Simply providing a definition of the terms does NOT answer this exam question.  You should compare and contrast the two types of planning, and explain how military commanders use them. 

[1] Couytse work

[2] bbc



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