Is this organization successful in dealing with diversity?

Is this organization successful in dealing with diversity? How? What is the culture within this company? While you are not required to formally cite your sources within the forum, you should make sure that you are incorporating information from the readings into your responses. Your responses should clearly show that you have read the material.



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Some five years ago, a friend of mine happened to be working for a multinational cooperation that dealt in selling of beauty products. I often visited him to his place of work as he was in a senior management position, which also meant that he could be part of key decision making stakeholders. From the conversations we had to the policies easily accessible on the company’s website, it was obvious that issues of cultural sensitivity through inclusivity as well as coming up with product designs that met the cultural differences of its clients are met. The fast way that the company meets cultural diversity is through its hiring policies.  The company’s human resource department always ensured that it employs people from diverse backgrounds, languages and even gender. A closer look at the company’s staff xxx indicates that the xxx have different skills which in xxx increases productivity. The xxx is also a source of xxx morale and makes xxx to work effectively and efficiently. xxx organization …


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