Describe why it is important that Sara approaches her interaction with Paula differently than she does with Dr. Acharya.

Sara deals with two very different situations in this episode, one with Dr. Acharya, and one with Paula. Based on your readings about the situational approach and path-goal theory, how do Sara’s leadership style and behaviors differ with each interaction? Specifically, describe why it is important that Sara approaches her interaction with Paula differently than she does with Dr. Acharya.


Sara’s leadership style and behaviors likely differ in her interactions with Dr. Acharya and Paula based on the situational approach and path-goal theory. The situational approach suggests that a leader’s behavior should be adapted to the specific situation in order to be most effective. In her interaction with Dr. Acharya, who is likely a more experienced and knowledgeable professional, Sara may adopt a more directive and controlling leadership style in order to ensure that tasks are completed efficiently and effectively.


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On the other hand, in her interaction with Paula, who may be less experienced or less confident, Sara may adopt a more supportive and participative leadership style in order to build Paula’s skills and confidence. This may involve providing more guidance and feedback, as well as creating opportunities for Paula to take on leadership roles and responsibilities.

It is important for Sara to approach her interactions with Paula differently than she does with Dr. Acharya because different individuals have different needs and respond differently to different leadership styles. Using a one-size-fits-all approach would not be effective in achieving the goals of both the leader and the team. In the case …Order a customized and more comprehensive answer here


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