Describe a time when you participated in a project at work or school, and no one wanted to comment.

Conquering a culture of indecision

TOTAL 28 marks


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1. Describe a time when you participated in a project at work or school, and no one wanted to comment. There was dead silence in the room. – minimum of 2 sentences. (2 marks)

1. How did you feel or how do think the presenter felt? If you have not experienced this, how do you think a presenter would feel if no one responded? – minimum of 2 sentences. (2 marks)

2. As a participant if you are totally quiet are you being fair and considerate to the presenter? – minimum of 2 sentences. (2 marks)

3. In your opinion why is it really important that people within a group connect and engage with each other? – minimum of 2 sentences. (2 marks)

Communication and Dialogue

4. Who is responsible for effective communication in a group….the group participants? the leader, Both? Why? – minimum of 2 sentences. (2 marks)

5. Describe three (3) ways this culture of silence can be broken with in a group or in a virtual classroom. – minimum of 2 sentences. (6 marks)

Dialogue – Communicating

6. Describe three (3) good characteristic found in effective communications (hint: honesty). – minimum of 2 sentences. (6 marks)

7. What does ‘constructive communication’ mean to you? – minimum of 2 sentences. (2 marks)

8. How can you turn communication and dialogue into action, where decisive decision-making happens? – minimum of 2 sentences. (2 marks)


9. Describe what these words mean in the context of good communication and dialogue? – minimum of 2 sentences. (2 marks)

· Openness

· Candor


  1. I have not personally experienced this, but I imagine that if no one responded to a presenter in a meeting or project, the presenter would likely feel discouraged and frustrated.
  2. Being completely quiet during a presentation or discussion is not being fair or considerate to the presenter, as it can make them feel unsupported and unvalued.
  3. It is important that people within a group connect and engage with each other because it fosters a sense of teamwork and collaboration. This can lead to better ideas and solutions being generated, and can also help to build trust and understanding between group members.
  4. Both the group participants and the leader are responsible for effective communication within a group. The leader should facilitate open and clear communication, but all group members should also make an effort to speak up and contribute.
  5. Three ways to break a culture of silence within a group or …Order a customized and more comprehensive answer here


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