Assignment: Progress Report

This week, you complete the Progress Report template (attached) that details the status of your proposal. Include notes on any areas where you have the least confidence in your ability to find answers. Also, update your project plan to reflect any schedule changes.

Then, in a one-page executive summary memo to your board of directors, indicate what you have accomplished, what problems you are experiencing, and any concerns you have. Also, mention whether you are on schedule to deliver the proposal in Week 8. If you are behind schedule, briefly explain why and when you expect to be back on schedule.


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We are currently on time with the overall EHR Project.  


Executive Summary
There are notable steps that I have made so far in regards to the electronic health record project. Some of the accomplishments I have so far made include comparing the different systems that can be adopted in the project implementation. At the project assessment stage, I was able to do a complete HIT readiness assessment and an analysis of the current workflows implemented by similar system operators. I believe that this comparison is key in helping to come up with a more efficient EHR system. At the assessment stage, some of the notable tools we have explored include coming up with important case studies, watching EHR in trenches video and evaluating possible barriers to system implementation. Evaluating a workflow analysis is also important in helping to adopt the best implementation plan.
The second aspect that I have accomplished is to forecast the EHR budget and the subsequent return on investment. This has been informed by the fact that the viability of the project is informed by how costly it will be against the financial benefits it brings. The measurable EHR goals have also been outlined in the project and they indicate that the…


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