ASSIGNMENT HELP | Write an explanation of at least two potential challenges within the strategic planning process.

Write an explanation of at least two potential challenges within the strategic planning process. Include how you might identify these challenges during planning. Then, with an organization of interest in mind (Please use the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), explain how you might overcome these challenges and improve organizational results

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Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Chapter 5, “Assessing the Environment to Identify Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges” (pp. 144-184)

Chapter 6, “Identifying Strategic Issues Facing the Organization” (pp. 187-218)

Resource B, “Using Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and Social Media in the Strategic Planning Process” (pp. 423-459)


Strategic Planning Challenges and Improvement                                            

            Strategic planning has been widely adopted by large and small organizations. Strategic planning process is an integral part for any organization that aims to operate efficiently, satisfy customer needs and meet its core objectives (Nickols, 2016). Quality strategic planning ought to be observed in planning process to avoid potential challenges that may come up from the planning process. This essay explains the challenges within the strategic planning process, identifying and overcoming challenges to improve organizational results.

Potential Challenges Within the Strategic Planning Process

            Lack of proper leadership in creating strategies poses a major challenge to the process. Good leadership clearly understands the organization goals, vision and this provides fundamental guidance in the process (Bryson, 2018). Strategic leaders comprehend market, competitiveness and resources of the organization and as a result the planning process becomes | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | should work together with other staff in the planning process. If the leadership team is not keenly involved in the planning process, the entire process may not bear fruits. In addition, poor coordination of the stakeholders may affect the planning process adversely. Coordinated process…

How to Identify Challenges in Strategic Planning Process

            In order to point out challenges in the process of planning, the organization needs to set objectives and specify desired outcomes for the process and use them to | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | actions as well as pointing out activities that | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | and active participation of all stakeholders in the process helps establish problems that may result from the planning process. Ideas and…

Improving Organizational Results of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS),

HHS is the American agency that oversees provision of health care services and ensures the well-being of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | needs to value and increase coordination in the program by involving all stakeholders from the top level to the local | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | to be successful, coordination should be practiced. Furthermore, effective leadership promotes the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | is strategic, aware of the program’s vision, goals and its responsibility to all stakeholders. Effective leaders will guide and inspire the HHS staff toward meeting the department’s goals.

Effective strategic planning stipulates an organization’s course of action to achieve | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | strategic planning should be properly led and inclusive to minimize | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | and participation of all stakeholders helps to spot the challenges ….


Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.

Burwell, S. M. (2015). Setting value-based payment goals—HHS efforts to improve US health care. N Engl J Med372(10), 897-899.

Nickols, F. (2016). Strategy, strategic management, strategic planning and strategic thinking. Management Journal1(1), 4-7.


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