ASSIGNMENT HELP | When you first opened the book, “The New Jim Crow,” what beliefs about race, racial progress, and our criminal justice system did you hold?

Essay Questions (used from and based on Alexanders book):

1. When you first opened the book, \”The New Jim Crow,\” what beliefs about race, racial progress, and our criminal justice system did you hold? Were you inclined to believe the claim that mass incarceration is a “new Jim Crow”? What biases, stereotypes, or assumptions might have influenced your thinking about the issues explored in this book? What life experiences have shaped your views?


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2. What might it mean for a nation to be home to a caste-like system while claiming democracy as its foundation?

3. The implication is that as caste-like systems re-emerge so too do social movements determined to end caste. As you ponder the existence of mass incarceration in the present-day U.S, how does it feel to also consider that the age-old movement for freedom and justice is also here among us? Do you feel a living connection to that old, yet new movement for freedom and justice?

4. After exploring this Unit on the intersections of capitalism, slavery, class, and race what may be the causes and rationale for the emergence of the Blacks Lives Matter movement?

5. Alexander argues that if we are to build a [Human Rights] Movement, it must acknowledge and respond to the human suffering caused by an economic system of exploitation and exclusion while modeling what a compassionate society actually looks like. Do you agree? If so, what can we do, individually and collectively, to offer greater support, resources, hope, and love for people struggling to survive?

Criteria for Essay

Feel free to answer each question by #
Each answer to each question should be at least 1/2-to 3/4 page
Make sure to site all readings and documentary
The New Jim Crow
\”Slavery and Capitalism\” The Chronicle of Higher Education
The Case for Reparations\” by Ta Nehisi Coates:
Documentary: 13th


When I first opened the book The New Jim Crow, I held the view that racism was a thing of the past. In my view, all races had equal opportunities in almost all spheres PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | I had my reservations about the efficiency of our judicial system, I was optimistic that our criminal justice system was headed in the right direction.

To some extent, I was inclined to PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | the claim that mass incarnation is “a new Jim Crow” based on a number of facts. Numerous researches indicate that majority of the jails are PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | with African Americans and PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | has been wired in a way that individuals from these communities are persecuted without a proper trial process.

My thinking was influenced by the current happenings in the country with reference to what our forefathers fought and PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | is stereotyped in a way that some natives strongly believe that the country belongs them. Thus, if one is different in religion or ethnic background PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | are bound to be discriminated.

I am fortunate enough to be in an environment where there are diverse groups of people. For instance, in my class, people are from numerous backgrounds in terms of religion, race, color, and ethnicity. Through rich culture that I have experienced from various people, it has assisted me to be a tolerant person towards people that are from a background that is different from mine.

#Question Two Many people around PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |as the country of diverse opportunities. Apart from it being a developed country, it is also considered democratic, which gives her citizens diverse rights and PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |many may not know is that America is a nation that is home to a PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |centuries after her PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | citizens are feeling that the current system is not acting as it should in terms of equality on service delivery. The caste-like system is hierarchical which means that the society is…


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