ASSIGNMENT HELP | What formal assessment would you administer to provide data and why?

Discussion question #1 (250 words / 1 reference)
A student’s informal data is reflecting limited to no growth in the ability to retain information. A team of your colleagues have requested formal data from you as the reading/literacy specialist. What formal assessment would you administer to provide data and why?



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Discussion question #2 (250 words / 1 reference)
What resources would you provide to new teachers who need help aligning their instructional practices and interventions for struggling readers to assessments? Provide at least two resources and explain how each would assist the new teacher.


Discussion Question #1

A student’s informal data tends to show little or no growth at all and is incapable of storing | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | can be easy to administer but very challenging when it comes to retaining the information, since informal data is performance and content | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | approaches used to assess the growth of the student include observation, portfolios most of which are not | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | data ways of assessing students does not disclose certain behaviors of the students like logical errors since there no test assessment given to measure the students understanding of the concept | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | of informal assessment like having a portfolio, consumes a lot of time when creating and compiling. They also luck reliability and validity.

Formal data is effective in providing an analysis of students’ | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | method can be challenging, it allows student’s the opportunity to practice what they are learning since they do practical work to measure their understanding of the concept. There are four critical types of assessment that would help reading/literacy specialists understand student’s ability to retain | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | Standardized tests, Achievement tests, Program tests, Criterion-referenced tests, and Norm-referenced tests. Christensen et al. (2016) states that the most effective type of formal data would be teaching the students and subjecting them to assessment tests to measure their level of understanding in order to know who got the concept and who did not. Use of formal data is more effective and helps in growth of student in academics. This even becomes easier for the teachers since they can easily monitor the development of the students.

Discussion Question #2

Generally, some students have difficulties in comprehending complex concepts leading to poor | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | to take it upon themselves to help these students understand concepts easily. Some ways that can help improve this is teachers should try as much as possible to teach vocabulary and also take them through comprehending particular concepts.

Teachers need to have a good understanding of vocabulary so that if they have a struggling learner in their class the student can get the help he or | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | believed that students with poor vocabulary rarely understand anything they hear even in class when the teacher | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | that teachers would be required to use digital learning resources like videos since it is easier to learn and understand by watching something. The concentration span of some students is very low if the teacher is teaching right from a textbook but from a video it can be more interesting and the student’s concentration span is not | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | and dramatizing the topic being taught in class helps the students get a clear picture of what the teacher is teaching and also grasps the concept | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | need to be provided with these resources to help improve understanding of the concept they teach to their students


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