ASSIGNMENT HELP | The topic of justice manifests itself in a variety of ways, and is often discussed in broad terms.

The topic of justice manifests itself in a variety of ways, and is often discussed in broad terms. What does justice mean to you? In this assessment you will address the subject of justice and related ethical theories. In a properly formatted, researched paper, you need to address the following questions:
What does justice mean to you? | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |
What do you believe is a good foundation for justice?
What is Rawls’ foundation of justice and how does it relate to what justice means to you?
What are the key features regarding global economic justice?
What do you believe are the most important issues within social justice currently and why are these important? Identify 5 of the most important issues within social justice currently and thoroughly explain why these are important..
In your paper, ensure that you use credible academic sources, and cite them properly.



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Foundation of Justice

To me, the term justice refers to the act of ensuring that people are treated and behaves in a manner that is balanced, fair, and equal for everyone involved. It involves ensuring that everyone is treated respectfully irrespective of their age, gender, race, or socioeconomic | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | for ensuring that those who are guilty of a crime are rightfully convicted and punished for the crimes they have | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | responsible for ensuring that the people in a particular society can live in peace under a standard set of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | people to take responsibility for their actions and avoid blaming others for any mistakes and wrong actions they may take part in.

I believe that a good foundation for justice in any society is the assurance that everyone is subject to the same rules and necessary punishment for any wrong | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | people in society must realize that if any person steals they will receive the same punishment and imprisonment sentence irrespective of whether they | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | is setting someone free if they are found innocent of a crime they were unjustly convicted of, due to unfair treatment or some form of injustice in the judicial system. 

Rawl’s theory of justice is based on two basic principles, both of which would help in guaranteeing a morally acceptable and just society. The first principle is equal | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | focuses on ensuring that every individual is in a position to access the most extensive basic liberty just like everyone else | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | principle is social | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | suggests that since social inequality is already a part of society, it should be dealt with in such a manner that ensures that the worst-off in society are favored above those who are more | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | complies with my perspective of justice because it focuses on ensuring that everyone is treated in the same manner irrespective of their social status | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | relate to what justice means to me because it focuses on ensuring that society favors and promotes the basic rights of the under-privileged, who in most cases are not in a position to take care of themselves or shield themselves from the wrongdoings of others (Tyler et al., 2019).

Global economic justice refers to the fair and just distribution of resources within a state, culture, or | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | on the two basic ideas of welfare economics and social justice that suggest that a country’s economy would be much more successful if they opted to disperse resources and treat | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | to several f | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | of these features is universal basic income, which refers to a model in which all the citizens in a country receive a sum of money irrespective of their resources or employment status. This feature would help in increasing the concept of equality while also reducing poverty among citizens. The second feature of global economic justice is income equality (Shah, 2019). This feature focuses on ensuring that everyone receives equal pay for an equal amount of work done, especially in situations regarding race and gender. As a result, everyone is society is empowered to produce more, therefore, making it possible for the economy to grow steadily since every citizen’s basic needs are met.

Social justice refers to the equal and fair distribution of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | unities, and privileges. There are several important issues addressed in the concept of social justice. The first issue is poverty because in most economies it occurs as a result of discrimination and social injustice within a particular community or environment. The second important issue related to social justice is economic inequality | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | the unequal distribution of opportunities and income among the varied groups of the community. In most instances, the variations experienced occur due to the preference or supposed superiority of specific groups of people such as the rich in | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | may occur based on the levels of education and training made available to the people in that particular society. Thirdly, gender inequality is another issue associated with social justice. Since the beginning of time, men have always thought of themselves as being the stronger | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | esigning the women in society to unequal treatment, especially when it comes to issues associated with the payment for the various jobs | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | issue is racial discrimination, which involves treating people differently just because of their skin | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | mostly seen in the way most communities treat minority groups among | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | important issue when it comes to social justice is the right of workers. While for most people having an opportunity at employment is a privilege, social justice entails making sure that the work environment made available to the employees is the most ideal for both their physical and mental health.


Shah, T. M. (2019). Social Justice and Change. The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies, 1-4.

Tyler, T., Boeckmann, R. J., Smith, H. J., & Huo, Y. J. (2019). Social justice in a diverse society. Routledge.


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