ASSIGNMENT HELP | Review the information provided in our library of how to search for journal articles

Read Finkelman (2016), Chapter 13: Improving Teamwork: Collaboration, Coordination, and Conflict Resolution, section on Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, pp. 324-333. Watch tutorial below.
Write a 5-7 page paper (not including the title or References pages). Follow APA format. Consult your APA manual, and consider using the APA resources provided by Chamberlain. Cite the course textbook and two scholarly sources.
Cite the course textbook and two scholarly sources. Scholarly references must be published within the last 5 years, from the Chamberlain library only and must provide the permalink. | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |
Review the information provided in our library of how to search for journal articles (Links to an external site.)
Review the information provided in our library of how to locate and copy a journal permalink (Links to an external site.)
You are required to complete this assignment using the productivity tools required by Chamberlain University, which is Microsoft Office Word 2013 (or later version), or Windows and Office 2011 (or later version) for MAC. You must save the file in the “.docx” format. Do NOT save as Word Pad. A later version of the productivity tool includes Office 365, which is available to Chamberlain students for FREE by downloading from the student portal at (Links to an external site.) Click on the envelope at the top of the page. | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |
Observe nurses in a care delivery setting. Identify a recurring conflict with the potential to negatively impact patient care. This should be from your practice setting or prelicensure experiences.
Provide details of what happened, including who was involved, what was said, where it occurred, and what was the outcome that led you to decide the conflict was unresolved.
REVIEW AND DISCUSS the four stages of conflict as found in Finkelman. IDENTIFY AND EXPLAIN how the stages of conflict relate to the example in your workplace.Do not use direct quotes.
Describe how you would collaborate with a nurse leader to reach consensus on the best strategy to deal with the conflict. Besides the textbook, the paper needs to summarize conflict resolutions from two scholarly articles.
Describe the rationale for selecting the best strategy.
Provide a summary or conclusion about this experience or assignment and how you may deal with conflict more effectively in the future.



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Instances of conflict are common in many organizations. In healthcare settings where there is a continuous interaction between healthcare providers and patients/ caregivers, conflict instances may not be avoided. In a hospital setting, the nurse plays the role of a caregiver, an educator and at times a | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | various interactions that can result in conflicts as well. Some common causes of conflict include perceived differences in goals, attitudes, the difference | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | opinion, unwanted actions and at | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | from the management when it comes up with reforms that may cause | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | seeks to evaluate recurring conflicts that have the potential of causing conflict in a care delivery setting. The four stages of conflict as per Finkelman and how they relate to the workplace will also be evaluated.

The Recurring Conflict After observing nurses in my work practice setting, many instances of conflict came up. The most notable one, however, was the lack of clearly defined roles as well as expectations. It was clear that some of the nurses having different statuses had their delineation of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | also spanned from nurses to physicians. In the care setting, there is always an unwritten rule that physicians are leaders and hence responsible for the patients and hence they ought to | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | duties with minimal input | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | made some of the nurses feel disrespected and | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | thus an identity conflict between these two camps. For the nurses | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | that there was no harmony especially between experienced nurses and those who just started their nursing career as well as those on | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | and supposedly experienced nurses could at times skip their rotations and …


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