President George Washington noted in his famous Farewell Address in 1796 about political parties “likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion” (Washington’s Farewell Address).
In an era of political partisanship that has led to seemingly never-ending gridlock on Capitol Hill in the United States, one might ask whether President Washington’s famous comments have come to fruition.
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With these thoughts in mind:
Post your view of the wisdom of Washington’s comments. Analyze the impact of the current partisan environment on public policy. Include whether this partisanship is a deleterious “new normal” that undermines the national public policy process. Explain whether the division between Democrats and Republicans today ultimately leads to important debates about policy prescriptions that result in better-designed policy proposals.
Public Policy Analysis
In his farewell speech, President George Washington provided a detailed account of how the country was governed. He insisted that all citizens have to first see themselves as Americans before identifying with the state. He insisted on the rule of law and adherence to the constitution. Whenever amendments have to be made, they ought to reflect the will of the majority and not the few who may have personal interests. He also detailed the dangers of the emerging political parties, which may subvert government work. The warning came at a time when confrontations between the Democratic-Republican party under Jefferson was in a confrontation with the Federal party led by Hamilton. According to Washington, political competition through parties should be advantageous to the people and not to their detriment. Bad political relationship is a threat to the stability of the government and denies citizens their constitutional privileges (Hoyos, 2018).
Washington’s comments are alive in the current US political space. The current partisan environment has both positive and negative implications on public | GET AN EXPERT FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT | in the sense that parties are stronger, and members use them to endorse policies for the public | GET AN EXPERT FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT | have negative implications as members of political parties tend to enact policies as parties and not as independent-minded people with the interests of Americans at | GET AN EXPERT FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT | is thus an emerging new normal that undermines the national public policy process.
Today, the division between Democrats and Republicans is essential as they lead to critical debates about policy prescriptions that can lead to better public | GET AN EXPERT FOR YOUR ASSIGNMENT | parties are watchdogs of each other, and as such, there is caution in passing policies. It would be bad for Americans if the two political factions agree on any public policy since the legal and judicial arm of government may not have the full power to offer…