ASSIGNMENT HELP | Is it a virus, bacterium, etc.? What are the symptoms of the disease?

To complete the Assignment, choose one of the microbes assigned by your instructor. Include the following prompts within your discussion:

Provide background about the disease-causing microbe. Is it a virus, bacterium, etc.? What are the symptoms of the disease?
Describe the impact of this microbe on human health. Why would this disease be of concern to epidemiologists? What is the prevalence of the disease in the human population?
Describe any treatments available for the disease. Include vaccinations and chemotherapeutic treatment options.
In your opinion, would the innate immune system or the adaptive immune system be more effective at fighting off this infection? Explain your answer and provide examples as support.
Basic Writing Expectations


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800–1000 words
At least 3 academic sources. These can include references provided within the project directions and the textbook. The Kaplan Library is also a great source for academic references. Do not use sources such as Wikipedia or References should be credible and academic in nature.
Free of grammatical and spelling errors
No evidence of plagiarism. Assignment should be written in your own words, and sources should be properly cited and referenced. Use of quoted material should be limited to no more than 10% of the total paper.
Be sure to review the Scoring Guide provided in Course Resources for details on how this Assignment will be graded.


Suggested resources:

Textbook of bacteriology:
Center for Disease Control:
National Institutes of Health:
Virus resources:
World Health Organization:
Pubmed (academic search engine):
University Library:


Lassa Virus

            The disease-causing microorganism, Lassa virus, is an RNA virus that belongs to Arenaviridae family. It was discovered as the causative agent of a Lassa fever about 3 decades ago and is found in both humans and some primates. According to Russier et al. (2012), Lassa virus is one of the 25 causative agents of viral hemorrhagic fever (Lassa fever), an acute systemic illness that is primarily characterized by fever, a propensity for shock and bleeding, and a constellation of initial non-specific | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | is rare, and it emerged as a form of an outbreak in Nigeria as far as 1969 before spreading across other West African regions in the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | of the Lassa disease, when symptomatic, is often gradual, and it begins with fever, malaise, and general weakness (Richmond & Baglole, 2003). After some days, the patient with the condition begins to experience sore throat, chest pain, headache, muscle pain, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and cough.

According to the WHO, the Lassa fever symptoms are non-specific and varied, which makes clinical diagnosis difficult, more so in the early periods of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | of the Lassa fever on human health is difficult to diagnose, especially since it is difficult to differentiate it from various other viral hemorrhagic infections such as Ebola, as well as other disease-causing fever such as shigellosis, malaria, yellow fever, and | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | significantly impacts human health and is often evidenced by seizures, shock, disorientation, tremor, and coma experienced in later | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | who survive the condition become deaf. Partial hearing returns in half of the patients after one and three months (World Health Organization, 2017). Gait disturbance and transient hair loss may be experienced during the recovery process. In extreme cases, death occurs after two weeks of disease onset. The severe nature of the disease is experienced in late pregnancy with fetal loss and/or maternal death in more than 75% of cases, particularly among expectant mothers in their third trimester. 

           The Lassa fever is of major concern to epidemiologists because of various reasons. According to Richmond & Baglole (2003), humans often contract the virus following exposure to fecal matter or | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | of the disease between humans can also happen through direct contact with the blood, urine, feces, or other secretions from an infected | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | no epidemiological evidence that supports the spread of the virus through air, which is of major concern to the efforts and progress epidemiologists have made | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | from one person to another occurs within both healthcare and community settings through contaminated medical equipment, for example, reused | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | to control or prevent in such settings, especially in regions with limited medical resources. Again, it has been reported that the Lassa virus can also be sexually transmitted, which is also


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