Assignment Help | How can organisations ensure that Learning and Development activities are linked to the organisational needs and are cost effective?

Coursework 1 – Essay (50% of the total weighting) Submission deadline in schedule.
The assignment consists of a written essay chosen from one of the following titles and is an opportunity to research a particular topic taken from the overall subject of learning and development. In answering the question chosen it is important that a wide variety of sources are used to support the analysis and it is expected that current surveys and academic sources are referenced accordingly. The main aim of this essay is for students to consider not only the theory behind learning and development but also to show how this is used in a practical manner in a workplace. The word count for the essay is 3,000 words (+- 10%).

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2. How can organisations ensure that Learning and Development activities are linked to the organisational needs and are cost effective?


Linking Cost-Effective Learning and Development Activities to Organizational Needs


Numerous amounts of research concerning learning and development in organizations exist with each study covering a new set of guidelines or frameworks on how learning occurs in organizations. Some of the research highlight the establishment and maintenance of learning organizations, while others talk about overcoming the barriers to learning among others. The concept of learning in organizations involves different fields from the natural and social sciences to anthropology. In other words, learning in organizations extends to other significant domains which include change management, communication, organizational structure, systems thinking, and leadership development, among many other areas.

Furthermore, learning in organizations entails how the process of learning | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | that organizations by themselves cannot perform activities that produce learning; instead it is the individual employees’ behaviour that leads to it, although the organizations may facilitate the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | in an organizational context is affected by the culture and goals of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | underpins the development of the company’s capabilities of building | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | will begin with various definitions, a literature of the theories of learning and the rationales that validate its importance.

Definitions of Learning in Organizations

Many existing pieces of literature have defined learning in organizations, which have brought forth two major schools of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | is the cognitive and the other is the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | perspective showcases the thinking dimension of learning while the behavioural viewpoint focuses on the doing side of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | posits that learning happens in mental structures, models or schemas and enables individuals to understand particular situations and events and interpret them in accordance with stimuli from the environment. The behavioural school is of the view that individuals learn through understanding and insight from their experiences. They derive these experiences from observing, experimenting, analyzing, and examining the outcomes (Azmi, 2008).

One of the major scholars of the cognitive approach was Kolb (2014) who emphasized the concept of grasping that encompassed understanding and | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | said that learning is the response to new information that changes the instructions through which the mind processes and evaluates information.

On the contrary, Senge (2014) defined organizational learning as being a balance between both the behavioural and cognitive elements, that is, a combination of action | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | it happens where an individual cultivates new and numerous thinking patterns in the achievement of a common goal, continuous attainment of results and learning together.

DiBella (2014) was of the view that organizational learning is the process or capacity in the organization to improve and maintain performance as a result of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | on the behavioural elements or school of thought. As mentioned earlier, there exist many studies that define organizational learning but this paper will focus on the three different definitions due to the limited scope of this essay.

The Rationale behind Learning and Development in Organizations One of the common-placed drivers of learning in modern organizations is their need to find processes that are enhanced as the organizations face challenging business environments in | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | conditions are rapidly shifting as customer demands, competition, technology, and other environmental factors continue to evolve. As such, firms must also reinvent and reimagine themselves to ensure their perpetuity. Smith (2016) argues that cultivating a culture…


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