ASSIGNMENT HELP | For this assessment, you will get the chance to highlight your creative writing skills and your knowledge surrounding Aristotle.

For this assessment, you will get the chance to highlight your creative writing skills and your knowledge surrounding Aristotle. Be the Best You, is a career coaching and mentorship agency that works with employees to not only achieve their professional goals, but their personal goals as well. By using a virtue and character-based approach. As a coach for Be the Best You, you are part of the training committee that creates new training material for the clientele. The agency is seeking 3 new training sessions related to the golden mean, Aristotelian friendship, and eudemonia. Part of these trainings include scenarios that the clientele read and then answer applicable questions. You will be creating three, fully developed scenarios for the golden mean, Aristotelian friendship, and eudemonia. | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |
Your submission, in its final state will include 3 scenarios including 1 for the golden mean, 1 Aristotelian friendship, and 1 for eudemonia. For each scenario, include 3 questions, 9 in total.
Each scenario must include:

• A fully developed fictional scenario that clearly highlights which of the three (the golden mean, Aristotelian friendship, and eudemonia) is being presented. Clearly define the characters and the actions that are representative of the selected topic.
• Three, open-ended questions pertaining to the scenario that the clientele would answer in relation to the facts and the topic of the scenario.


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Golden Mean, Arestolian Friendship, Eudemonia

Aristotle’s philosophical life can help define the relationship between man and society. Other than helping people to make meaningful judgments, Aristotle’s philosophical way of life is a reflection of the need to apply knowledge for the good of not only oneself but also of others around | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | scenario to depict the application of the golden mean, Aristotelian friendship, and eudemonia.

The Scenario

Mr. Smith is a famous businessman and a responsible family man. His love for his son Mike makes him recruit him as a financial manager in one of his | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | Studies undertakes his responsibility with zeal. However, his girlfriend has ill intentions. She wants to defraud the company. Mike, on the other hand, is so much in love that he is ready to do anything for the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | coerces Mike into disclosing sensitive information which she gives to fraudsters who subject the company to a lot of loss. Mike learns of this after the girlfriend leaves him and the company’s financial reports indicate a loss of $5 | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | learned of what transpired, he is angry at his son and he isn’t convinced. He thinks that his son might have colluded with the girlfriend to steal from his company. One thought is that he could take his son in prison to force him to disclose what happened. He, however, thinks that would not be ethical. He is torn between the pain of seeing his son in jail and the need to find justice.


  1. From your understanding, do you think Mr. Smith showed extreme love and hence failed to uphold the golden mean? Can the same be said of Mike?
  2. Based on Aristotelian friendship, was Mike’s girlfriend relationship to Mike based on utility, pleasure or virtue?
  3. Quoting from the scenario, explain what eudemonia means.

Aristotelian Friendship

Case Scenario Ms. Rachel is a single mother of African descent. She has been struggling financially since her husband died three years ago. Rachel has to take care of his | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | a neighbor offers little help to the Rachel family. She stigmatizes Rachel’s daughter due to her ASD condition but pretends to be Rachel’s friend. One lucky day, Rachel who had basic education in social work gets a job with the municipality courtesy of her late husband’s…


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