ASSIGNMENT HELP | Business Reasearch on leadership

You will write an APA compliant paper focused on an area of business interest (and your article review), this is not a product review. Topics should be shared for approval with the instructor a week before the assignment due date. Papers will be six to eight pages in length including front and rear matter and should include a table of contents, an opening, the body of the research paper, and a conclusion. As with all academic papers, various citation and references are expected.



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The Impacts of Effective Leadership on Motivation


The concept of leadership has been in contention for decades where existing literature has different meanings of the term. However, from the various definitions, some common elements of leadership emerge to give a more appropriate | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | is the process of influencing people’s behaviours using various resources and tools towards the accomplishment of common goals and | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | common principles of leadership is the reinforcement of the relationship between leaders and their followers that provides an effective perspective on the achievement of the company’s ultimate goal.

Evidence from the literature has shown that leaders are people who can influence the behaviours of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | leadership style may have a direct impact on the employees’ motivation and hence, their productive abilities. There have been many theories that attempt to link leadership style to employees’ behaviours | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | n though some scholars have argued that there is no clear method to demonstrate how a leader’s behaviours affects employees’ behaviour, this essay concludes that the style of leadership can influence employees’ behaviours hence their motivation using the path-goal theory.

Theories in Leadership and Motivation

Scholars have developed many theories concerning leadership and motivation. Some of the most popular names in this area include Maslow, McGregor, and | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | famous theory of motivation is the theory of Hierarchical needs by Maslow. Maslow posits that individuals have various levels of human needs which starting from physiological safety, security, belonging, self-confidence, and | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | that an individual has to satisfy each level before moving to the next one. Historically, the most important level was physiological safety, but in the modern age, individuals aim to satisfy higher-level needs such as self-confidence and self-actualization.

The Path-goal theory is an approach in leadership that proposes that leaders should adjust their styles of leadership to fit the current | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | posits that leaders need to change their leadership behaviours based on the demands and nature of the existing situation. It assumes that the role of leadership is to help employees accomplish their goals and offer necessary directions that ensure that individual goals align with the organizational goals (Farhan, 2018).

Applying the Path-Goal Theory

Under this theory, the leader uses four types of approaches. The first is taking the directive path where the leader gives explicit directions on how to perform tasks and expectations (Farhan, 2018). The directive approach is appealing in situations when instructions are ambiguous. Secondly, the achievement approach is where the leader provides a set of challenging goals to employees and expects high-performance levels while allowing them space to show their abilities. The third approach is a supportive role where leaders focus on satisfying the needs of their employees by providing psychological support especially in stressful environments (Farhan, 2018). Finally, the leader may take the participative approach where they consult with subordinates allowing them to air their views and ideas in making a decision.

Moss (2019) talks about burnout issues in the workplace. The author argues that employees must differentiate between hygiene and motivating factors to avoid burnout. Using the path-goal theory, leaders should use the supportive approach in this case to reduce stressful situations (Moss, 2019). Focusing on the hygienic factors such as working conditions or status by taking a supportive role will help reduce burnouts and hence increase motivation.

Similarly, Knight (2019) noted that leaders can keep their subordinates enthusiastic and properly motivated particularly in high-pressure situations. Applying the path-goal theory, leaders may adjust their behaviours to accommodate high-pressure situations such as tight deadlines (Knight, 2019). To do this, the leaders may take a supportive or participative approach to ensure that the employees remain calm and confident. By taking a participative or supportive role, the leader shows the employees that they are part of a team, which increases morale and boosts confidence. The supportive role also shows that the leader empathizes with their employees’ situation.

According to Blount and Leinwand (2019), modern age individuals want to work in institutions that have a clearly defined purpose. These types of employees mainly focus on self-development and growth opportunities where their companies, mission, vision, and philosophies align with their emotions and intellect. The author posits that in most cases, some organizations fail to live up to their purpose, which leads to the formulation of generic statements (Blount & Leinwand, 2019). The generic statements do not represent their business drive.

The author also contends that a properly defined purpose statement fulfils two main goals: expressing strategic objectives and motivating employees. In the case where there are no clear objectives and properly defined targets, leaders can take either, the directive or achievement approaches to leadership. Through the directive approach, the leader notifies their employees of what is expected of them by giving express direction. However, for the approach to take effect on motivation, the leader should allow some level of autonomy where the employees have clear directions but they use their discretion to make some decisions. Giving employees some autonomy boosts their confidence in their abilities and builds a level of trust between them and their leaders. Through the achi…


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