ASSIGNMENT HELP | Based on the requirements in the Unit II assignment and your choice of one of the three following scenarios,

Unit VII Research Paper Instructions

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Based on the requirements in the Unit II assignment and your choice of one of the three following scenarios, you are required to complete a research paper which must relate to how terrorism, genetic engineering, genocide operations, bio warfare, or cyber terrorism may affect our efforts to mitigate future attacks globally or internationally, how the evolution of technology can impact the delivery of a WMD for terrorism, and the moral and ethical implications of the use of such weapons of mass destruction (WMD) in a terrorist attack of this magnitude.


Additionally, the paper must address the capabilities and design of future attacks as well as the strategies we must develop to prevent or diminish the impact of such attacks. You are encouraged to truly think outside of the box instead of just repeating previous efforts from terrorist organizations.


From the reports of intelligence officers with the Central Region Command in Afghanistan, you can be assured that in addition to infrastructure attacks, terrorist organizations focus their attacks against educational and religious systems that they deem evil from their perspective. This includes attacks against students, teachers, schools, libraries, and any religious organization juxtaposed to the radical beliefs of the terrorist.

Research paper Instructions:

Please use the scenario you chose in the Unit II assignment that was approved by the instructor. Complete a research paper that must be a minimum of four pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page (title and reference pages do not count toward the total page requirement). The research paper must follow APA guidelines and contain the following components:


Abstract: Provide a brief explanation of the purpose of your paper. This must be a minimum of 150 words. This should be similar to the topic description you submitted in the Unit II assignment.

Introduction: Provide a brief review of the scenario you have chosen that was submitted and approved by the instructor in Unit II.

Body: Headings help the reader transition from one subject to the next. This is the focus of your research and analysis on the scenario you have chosen, where you identify the risks and mitigation solutions that will provide the appropriate protection as well as provide reactive measures in case terrorists manage to complete an attack despite your preventive measures. The content must center on the three areas of concern identified above.


Conclusion: Provide a summary of your findings and solutions based on best practices.

Reference page: You must include the heading (References) centered above the reference list on a separate last page. You must include the three references selected in the Unit II assignment. You may include more but your initial three which were used to research and create the topic must be used. All references must be in APA format, and each reference must relate to at least one in-text citation.

Please think outside the box in this assignment. Base your target choices on true targets of choice that radical Muslim groups like Al-Qaeda are prone to choose. For example, typical non-military and non-government targets in Afghanistan were religious groups that fell outside the radical beliefs of the Al-Qaeda or Taliban as well as any function or person related to education, including students, schools, teachers, or libraries. Do those relate to targets in the U.S.? What moral implications arise from such attacks? How will technology influence your delivery or detonation of the WMD? What kind of countermeasures should you consider as you plan your attack?

Scenario Two: (see attached paper from Unit II)

You are the head of a Homeland Security Investigative Task Force assigned to mitigate threats or possible terrorist attacks against the port area of San Diego. This includes numerous U.S. Navy vessels as well as a number of oceanic freighters, local fishing vessels, and pleasure yachts. You have received a threat from an unknown source stating that coordinated attacks are going to be launched against military and civilian targets in and around the San Diego area. The threat alludes to the use of nuclear missiles launched from vessels off the coast of San Diego. The source of the threats remains unknown, but intelligence points toward North Korea and Iran.

Your job is to identify the probable source of the threats as well as mitigate the numerous scenarios of attack that could stem from the Pacific Ocean, the Baja, the roadways entering San Diego from all directions, or from within San Diego. No specific terrorist group has given any notice of an attack.

You must identify all probable sources from which a nuclear missile could be launched. Since intelligence advises that neither North Korea nor Iran have long range capability, your search must be restricted to the immediate area. Additionally, all you know is that the attack is scheduled to occur sometime this month.

Identify all possible sources that could launch a nuclear missile and determine countermeasures that will empower your personnel to defeat the attack or attacks before they occur.

Your plan must include a worst-case scenario response plan to enable you to properly respond and deal with the blast effects from the attack should your personnel fail to stop the attack or attacks.


Attack at the Port of San Diego

            As the head of the Homeland Security Investigative Task Force, I am tasked with mitigating threats or possible terrorist attacks against the port area of San Diego. This includes attacks on the U.S. Navy vessels, pleasure yachts, local fishing vessels, and oceanic fighters. Mandated with this task, the focus is on various aspects that include threats alluding to the use of nuclear missiles launched from vessels off San | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | source of these potential threats are unknown, but the U.S. intelligence points | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | United Nations (n.d.), the counter- | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | task is daunting since involves securing borders, strengthening the police role, tightening financial controls, | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | legal assistance, and improving the criminal | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | system. In this case, with the intelligence from an | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | source that states that coordinated attacks are going to be | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | against civilian and military targets in and around the San Diego area, my task involves identifying probable sources and measures to mitigate the numerous…


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