ASSIGNMENT HELP | Analyze each Intervention Scenario and describe the leadership

Suggested Resources
The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing each assessment. They provide helpful information about the topics in this unit. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom.



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Capella Multimedia
Click the links provided below to view the following multimedia pieces:
Riverbend City: Getting Started Mission | Transcript.
This Riverbend City interactive media activity explains how to navigate a series of nursing simulations. Each time you are in a Riverbend City scenario, you are on a mission. A mission is a group of scenes that relate to a particular scenario.
Riverbend City: Employee Motivation Mission | Transcript.
Library Resources
The following resources are provided for you in the Capella University Library and are linked directly in this course. These articles contain content relevant to the topics and assessments that are the focus of this unit.
Lartey, S., Cummings, G., & Profetto-McGrath, J. (2014). Interventions that promote retention of experienced registered nurses in health care settings: A systematic review. Journal of Nursing Management, 22(8), 1027–1041.
Müller, C., Plewnia, A., Becker, S., Rundel, M., Zimmermann, L., & Körner, M. (2015). Expectations and requests regarding team training interventions to promote interdisciplinary collaboration in medical rehabilitation–A qualitative study. BMC Medical Education, 15(135), 1–16.
Eubank, D. (2012). [Review of the book Leading change in healthcare: Transforming organizations using complexity, positive psychology and relationship-centered care, edited by A. L. Suchman, D. J. Sluyter, & P. R. Williamson]. Families, Systems & Health, 30(4), 352–353.
Hickey, M., Kritek, P. B. (2012). Change leadership in nursing: How change occurs in a complex hospital system. New York: Springer.
Grol, R., Wensing, M., Eccles, M., & Davis, D. (Eds.). (2013). Improving patient care: The implementation of change in health care (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley && Sons.
Pilon, B. A., Ketel, C., Davidson, H. A., Gentry, C. K., Crutcher, T. D., Scott, A. W., . . . Rosenbloom, S. T. (2015). Evidence-guided integration of interprofessional collaborative practice into nurse managed health centers. Journal of Professional Nursing, 31(4), 340–350.
Disch, J. (2013). Interprofessional education and collaborative practice. Nursing Outlook, 61(1), 3–4.
Course Library Guide
A Capella University library guide has been created specifically for your use in this course. You are encouraged to refer to the resources in the BSN-FP4012 – Nursing Leadership and Management Library Guide to help direct your research.
Internet Resources
Access the following resource by clicking the link provided. Please note that URLs change frequently. Permission for the following link has been either granted or deemed appropriate for educational use at the time of course publication.
Change Theory | Transcript. Retrieved from
NCSBN: National Council of State Boards of Nursing. (n.d.). Retrieved from
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2011). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice. Retrieved from

Textbook Resources
The resources listed below are relevant to the topics and assessments in this course.
Kelly, P., & Tazbir, J. (2014). Essentials of nursing leadership and management (3rd ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Delmar.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 6.
Chapters 14–15.
American Nurses Association. (2015). Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements. Silver Spring, MD: Author.
Assessment Instructions

Use the Capella library and the Internet to research change theory, leadership, and communication strategies. Use the Suggested Resources to research leadership and communication concepts and change theory.
The challenge in this assessment is to create a response plan for several intervention scenarios.
There are three deliverables required for this assessment.
Rationale for this assessment:
Nurse leaders solve problems or resolve conflict on a daily basis. Understanding how change theory can be applied to a situation and examining various types of interventions in advance can relieve pressure on the nurse leader and improve the workplace environment and outcomes. Rehearsing potential interventions provides a mental toolkit on which to rely during stressful times.
Your management training workshop continues:
The second day of HR\’s Nursing Leadership Workshop is designed to help you identify and practice effective responses and interventions to common problems and situations. Participants are presented with three scenarios and must create a response plan for each scenario, in the form of a 1–2 page outline.
Deliverables: Submit three Response Plans to complete this assessment.
Choose 3 of the 5 Intervention Scenarios linked in the Required Resources for this assessment.
For each scenario you choose, develop a separate Response Plan in the form of a 1–2 page outline.
Label each outline using the example below:
Example: Response Plan for School Nurse.

Analyze each Intervention Scenario and describe the leadership, communication, and management strategies you believe would be most effective for each situation.
Use the following subheadings to organize your Response Plan outline for each situation.
Change Theory: Explain concepts of change theory and how it can be used as a tool to manage situations.
Identify elements of change theory that fit best with the scenario.
How can you use change theory to deal with conflict?
Strategies and Rationale: Describe an effective leadership style you would employ to address a problem.
Explain the rationale for choosing a leadership strategy to solve a problem.
Identify interventions to address the problem.
Expected Outcome: Describe how outcomes or success of the style selected for each situation could be measured.
Describe how you could determine improved outcomes or measure success of the leadership style selected for each situation.
What might go wrong and how would you deal with that?
Professional Standards: Explain how professional and legal standards guide the effective nurse leader when making decisions.
Additional Requirements
Written communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and in-text citations should be formatted according to current APA style and formatting.
Length: Each outline should be 1–2 pages double-spaced.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
Number of resources: Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed resources.


Response Plan for Outpatient chest pain/stroke unit

Change Theory Concepts

The most suitable theory for this case is the Lewin’s change theory that PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | on three aspects of behavior change including driving forces, restraining forces, and equilibrium. This theory by Kurt Lewin is a perfect choice because it explains the forces that cause changes toPLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |push the patient in the desired direction or make them adapt/make the desired changes. Based on this scenario, to have effective compliance prior to the survey, I would consider engaging all the relevant stakeholders through interprofessional PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | in order to identify the PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | solutions to the problems of CT scan documentation and administration of aspirin for the chest pain/acute MI patients. As a responsible nurse manager, I will focus on implementing PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | recommendations made by Lewin’s change theory to ensure accountability of all healthcare practitioners.

Strategies and Rationale

Bureaucratic leadership style is the most PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | leadership style to use in this scenario in order to manage cases of inefficient and poor data management in the outpatient PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT |echnique is the best choice because the institutions require strict mechanisms in to help nurses to comply with the set data management policies PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | that all healthcare practitioners will have to conform with the professional guidelines relating to the administration of drugs, safety…


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