ASSIGNMENT : Bionic Devices that Restore Sensory Systems

After reading these articles and considering the different devices that exist, discuss the role of technology in promoting the growth and change of the field of biopsychology. How do you think the development of new technologies such as these has changed the approach to studying biological influences on human behavior? How do you think technology will continue to change the field as further developments are made?
Next, discuss the role of ethics in researching these technologies. Is it ethical to use neuroprosthetics to restore a sense in a child who cannot consent to the procedure?
You can change Topic Title if you find it necessary or if you have a better one. Please use APA format, Times New Roman 12 pts, 2 references.



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Bionic Devices that Restore Sensory Systems

With estimate figures indicating that more than 39 million bear severe vision loss with a further 360 million suffering from some form of hearing loss, the advancement in the field of biopsychology is a welcome idea. With technology, the loss of sensory can now be achieved after decades of research on how the sensory messages are sent and interpreted by the brain. The neuroprosthetics is technologies in the form of devices that help deliver information that the brain would not receive due to injury or disease. The focus in the technologies has been concentrated in the senses of sight and hearing which are considered the most significant ones because they permit people to relate with the environment (Leigh & Maxwell-McCaw, 2017). A cochlear implant is perhaps the most common and oldest form of neuroprosthetic that was approved for use in the 1980s. The device is used by deaf or those that have experienced profound hearing loss who cannot use the hearing aids (Leigh & Maxwell-McCaw, 2017). For vision, such devices like the artificial retina that was approved…


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