The facade of Disney and can it affect children physically and mentally

The façade of Disney and can it affect children physically and mentally?

Disney Dissertation


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Always reference back to is this a positive thing or not for children to be associating with? Are they learning bad habits of self-image and relationship hopes and dreams?

Is it good because it a talking topics for adults and children to have common ground on? Is it a good thing for children to be watching? Can it cause and psychological effects mentally and physically.

An over view and what I’m going to discuss within my dissertation  

Things to be discussed:

Mr. Walt Disney himself and how all these factors may have come from the way he was brought up and his beliefs/ religion (is he a role model for children)

– An anti-Semitic

– Racism and politically incorrect stereotyping

– Glorifying the slave trade

– The Double V Campaign

– Disney’s female perception

– Gender biased/discrimination

– Parental figures and death

– The abandoned child

– Totally agenised Homosexuals, Gypsies and Jews

Within Disney look at Character styles/ gender issues  – Disney is surrounded by controversy in how they portray their characters. It has been heavily criticized for years for its portrayal, especially, of women and their relationship with men. How the use of Iconic Characters (Mickey/ Mini mouse) why did he pick these? 

Does he portray women in a particular way and if so why do we think he does this?

Films and how he/the brand wants us to see them: (does this portray as a good role model)

  • Portraying them as sweet and innocent
  • Always a happy ending
  • The feeling it gives us as viewers of all ages and how its not just for children even thought that’s its target market.
  • Beautiful characters

GIVE 2 EXAMPES AND FILMs (snow white/ candela/ beauty and the beast) and how they are portrayed with the female roles and what is the true back story (e.g.: Snow White – the 7 sides of schizophrenia) (e.g.: Beauty and the beast – bestiality)

GIVE 2 EXAMPES OF NEW FILMS (Frozen/ Tangled/ princes and the frog) how has it changed and why has it changed is it because the creative team if different and more acceptant to new this such as race, feminizing and religion 

Why talking about the comparisons of the films take into consideration:

  • How women are can’t live without a male figure even in modern films (although the main character in Frozen doesn’t have a father or a love interest)
  • The so-called bad people in Disney have ‘big noses’ and that how Walt Disney saw Jewish people.
  • Within most of Disney the princesses parents die or there never heard of, does this have something to do with Walt Disney losing his family at a young age?

Child psychology main talking point to this dissertation

Looking into child psychology and how quickly children pick up things is and is it really acceptable for children to be watching it and absorbing all the information with the dark underling meaning and is this why children both females and males are body conscious and image orientated. Could it also be brain washing meaning children or do we just say that children won’t understand the darker side of it ? but is it acceptable to say that they don’t understand it?  

What should we be teaching out children?

What are they picking up form theses films?

How quick can the pick things up?

Disney has a hold over all of us, even thought some people wouldn’t want to admit it and how we cant go thought day to day life without hearing something related to Disney in some way or another. 


The Disney films have been around for close to a century since the launching of the company in 1923. Over those years, the production house has released movies in hundreds, some of which were loathed and others lauded. The consistency with which the films have developed and shown their characters has led to many scholars and movie critics to opine that the company has a defined ‘Disney Culture.’ The male characters are defined by height, masculinity, and looks. For example, in the movie Hercules, the gait of the Greek God is similar to that of Prince Eric from the film The Little Mermaid. The phenomenon shows how male characters are modeled in most of the Disney movies. The female characters, on the other hand, are shown to have a slim waist, slender and always beautiful. When these female characters possess other traits than those mentioned, they are always playing secondary roles like being subordinates to the princess. These stereotypical male and female characters are shown to millions of young boys and girls each single day[1]. Because of the stereotyping and the pressures the films expose the young children to, modern parents are faced with challenges in guiding and protecting the minors from the dangers of negative films. Notably, the challenge is made even harder given the recent trends of featuring sex and sexual scenes in the family entertainment

[1]Diekman, Amanda B., and Sarah K. Murnen.”Learning to be little women and little men: The inequitable gender equality of nonsexist children’s literature.”Sex Roles 50, no. 5-6 (2004): 373-385…..


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