The Civil War effect on the home front was that first it changed the lives of the soldiers involved.

The Civil War effect on the home front was that first it changed the lives of the soldiers involved. The saw family members die in front of them. For blacks there wasn’t much fighting at first for them. As shown in the movie Glory. For the women they had to the things that man would do such as care and feed their families. With no word from their love ones and lack of supplies. There was sickness and inflation. The war affected both sides the same as it was on American soil. After the war the North economy and population began to recover. While the South faced deprivation and struggles for years to come. Many slave owners lost slaves and land due to the war. The effect of total war called for the need for a draft of any abled body man to fight. In the South the war brought both sides to the land. The outcome was Union soldiers destroying railroads, telegraph poles, and freeing slaves that was helping union soldiers to safety ( explain in own words 100 words)


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