Task 1: Picking a topic for your Research Paper (your project)

The research paper is required to be accomplished either by individual student or a group (team) of students (the number of team will be determined in the class by common accord).
You have the freedom to choose any topic of your interest with condition that it must relate to the microeconomics concepts. You can equally choose any of the class textbook chapters as your research topic and develop an analytical and comprehensive explanation of the topic.
Whatever topic you choose the goal should be to check the facts through data analysis and develop your own ideas in microeconomics. In other words, choose a topic that increases your own store of knowledge.
Once you choose the topic do the following:

Explain clearly the purpose or goal of your project topic. Be sure that the topic is directly related to the course subject.
What is your hypothesis?
Hypothesis is a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation, or a hypothesis is a specific statement of prediction. It describes in concrete (rather than theoretical) terms what you expect will happen in your study.
For further information pertaining to hypothesis click HERE.
What are the questions that you are trying to answer? Do not attempt to answer to broad aspect of your subject. Whatever topic you choose focus on one point and develop/analyze it.
What you expect to achieve: what would be your expected conclusion?
Please follow the instruction of this assignment


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Role of Interest Rate in Individual Spending and Business Expansion or Contraction
Topic. The topic selected for this paper is derived from this course reading “Finance and microeconomics.” The paper will focus on “the role of interest rate in individual spending and business expansion or contraction.”
The purpose or goal of the project topic is to help understand the effects of increasing or reducing interest rates on individual spending. For instance, interest rates are meant to regulate borrowing by making it cheaper or expensive. Reducing the interest rates makes borrowing cheaper, which increases individual spending (Gust et al., 2016). On the other hand, increasing the interest rates makes borrowing expensive, which reduces…


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