Synthesis Paper

In Topic 2, you were asked to read three articles on the topic of doctoral identity and to complete an annotated bibliography to demonstrate their understanding of the material. In Topic 3, you were asked to take this process a step further and identify themes found in the three articles and to complete a synthesis worksheet where the themes were supported by evidence from each article. In this assignment, you will build on your worksheet efforts and write a paper about the three themes. The narrative will not only present the evidence from the articles to support the identified themes, but also will provide an analysis for each theme by synthesizing the information collected.

General Requirements:
•Locate the Synthesis Worksheet you completed in Topic 3.
•Locate and download \”Synthesis Paper Template\” from the Course Materials for this topic.
•Review the articles by Baker & Pifer (2011), Gardner (2009), and Smith & Hatmaker (2014) located in the Course Materials for this topic.
•This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
•Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. Review the GCU APA Style Guide for Writing located in the Student Success Center.
•You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


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Using the Synthesis Worksheet you completed in Topic 3 and considering the themes you developed and the feedback provided by your instructor, write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) that synthesizes the three articles. Your paper should include the following:
1.An introduction that introduces and provides context for the topic. This includes giving a brief description of each article and its purpose, identifying the three themes that emerged from your reading, describing how they will be discussed in the paper, and presenting a clear thesis statement.
2.Support for your identified themes with evidence from each article. Provide analysis of these findings to strengthen your narrative.
3.A discussion of the conclusions that can be drawn when the articles are taken together as a single entity. What is the overall message of the group of articles?


The article by Susan K. Gardner, “Conceptualizing Success in Doctoral Education: Perspectives of Faculty in Seven Disciplines,” sought to explore the concept of success. The purpose of this article is to explain how different variables affect success in doctoral learning. On the same note, in their article, “Knowing, doing, and becoming: Professional identity construction among public affairs doctoral students,” Smith and Hatmaker examines socialization and professional character formation process amongst doctoral scholars carrying out public affairs’ study. The purpose of this survey is to offer exceptional insight into the socializations between scholars and faculty that boosts their development. The study also offers insight into learner’s own proactivity. Additionally, the article by Baker and Pifer, “The role of relationships in the transition from doctor to independent scholar,” focuses on how doctoral scholars transit from dependent to independent researchers. The purpose of the article is to demonstrate the role played by relationships founded…


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