Summarize the 7 Elements of Mission Command in the U.S. Army

  • Summarize the 7 Elements of Mission Command in the U.S. Army

     – Utilize Attachment 1 – ADP 6-0

  • Provide a summary of a case study on General George B. McClellan and his impact on history 

     – Identify lessons learned from case study


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     – Identify instances of ALL principles of mission command being properly and inappropriately used within the case.

     – Offer a solution to mission command being inappropriately used

  • Summarize the meaning of ethical leadership

     – Use Attachment 2 – Ethical Leadership

     – Identify if General George B. McClellan was an ethical or unethical leader based on his actions.

     – Offer a practical solution to General George B. McClellan’s leadership style, utilize the principle of ethical leadership and mission command. 


The 7 Elements of Mission Command in the U.S. Army are:

  1. Build cohesive teams through mutual trust
  2. Create shared understanding
  3. Provide a clear commander’s intent
  4. Exercise disciplined initiative
  5. Use mission orders
  6. Accept prudent risk
  7. Develop a culture of innovation

In the case study on General George B. McClellan, it can be seen that he struggled with building trust with his subordinates and creating a shared understanding of his intentions. He also demonstrated a lack of initiative and a reluctance to take risks. He was not able to develop a culture of innovation.

In terms of ethical leadership, ethical leadership is characterized by honesty, integrity, and fairness. It is also characterized by the ability to lead by example, to be transparent and to be authentic. Based on the case…Order a customized and more comprehensive answer here

A possible solution for General George B. McClellan’s leadership style would be to focus on building trust with his subordinates and creating a shared understanding of his intentions. He should also …Order a customized and more comprehensive answer here


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