Research your assigned topic: Dorthea Dix

Instructions: Dorthea Dix (Change Agent)

Give a brief description of your historical figure and why this person is considered a Change Agent in the health care profession.


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I had to take the Myers Briggs Personality and Stress test to discover my personality type (This has been done).

After taking the Myers Briggs Personality and Stress test, I discovered that I am ISTJ (Introversion; Sensation; Thinking; Judgement).

I will upload what the ISTJ (Introversion; Sensation; Thinking; Judgement) personality means so that there is more clarity in comparing my personality type to Dorthea Dix.

Then compare the following:

How might your personality type be similar or different from your assigned Change Agent?

What lessons could you learn from this person to be a change agent in your own healthcare career (currently or in the future)?


Dorthea Dix is argued to be one of the most profound social reformers whose career was dedicated to changing the condition of the mentally ill persons and those in prison. For over two decades, she enhanced the welfare of mentally ill persons and prisoners through improving the nature of the healthcare services, condition and environment that such people lived (Ghareeb, 2019). For instance, Dix played an instrumental role in establishing and expanding more than 30 hospitals to facilitate the treatment of the mentally ill (Ghareeb, 2019). Further, Dix was a leader in the national and international movements that changed the misconception that people with mental illness cannot be cured (Ghareeb, 2019). She strongly criticized neglect and cruel practices towards the mentally ill, including using painful methods to restrain their movements, incarcerating them without clothes, and caging them (Ghareeb, 2019). She founded the…


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