Reflective essay for mental Health student on Vital sign

Additional assignment Guidance – Safe and Effective Practice Module – BSc Nursing 2019 Cohort

Summative assessment:


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Reflect upon selected extracts from the reflective journal that you compiled for your formative assessment and using an appropriate tool, reflectively analyse your experiences of inter-professional working and service user involvement in your clinical practice. 3,000 Words. 100% Weighting. 40% Pass Mark

What you need to do

How to do it

Content to be covered

Suggested outline

You need to demonstrate that you have met the Module Aims:

Show that you have built and developed the skills needed to work within teams. That you have enhanced your knowledge and understanding of the:

Roles, values, expertise and practices of members of the multidisciplinary team

Principles of inter-professional and collaborative practice in health and social care and the nurse’s role within teams.

Principles of co-production

Importance of service user involvement within collaborative practice

You need to complete the Formative Assignment before you can complete the Summative Assignment.

You need to focus upon the concepts of Safe & Effective practice.

Formative Assignment:

Compile a reflective journal whilst you are on your clinical placement.

If you are not in placement you need to compile a journal of previous placement experiences PLUS your personal Service User experiences of health care

Reflect upon your experiences of of Safe & Effective practice in relation to working collaboratively with patients/clients/service users and the professionals involved in their care; including their family, support workers, health and social care practitioners.

You need to capture your experiences which will provide the material for your summative assignment.

It is important that you capture sufficient description of your experiences to enable an analysis of at least one experience in your summative assignment.

Summative assessment:
Reflect upon selected extracts from the reflective journal that you compiled for your formative assessment and using an appropriate tool, reflectively analyse your experiences of inter-professional working and service user involvement in your clinical practice

See column 2)

Keep your focus upon the concepts of Safe & Effective practice, see column 3).

Tips for writing your Reflective Journal

Keep a definite time of day/week to write your journal.

Review your progress & development periodically.

You may find using a reflective framework useful.

Reflect after the event to increase your self- awareness.

Reflect in preparation for possible events to increase your confidence.

Maintain anonymity and the confidentiality of all those people you write about.

Use a framework of your choice to guide you. Whichever framework/tool you use to complete your summative assignment you need to undertake the three components of reflection:

You need to return to the experience/s (in your Reflective Journal). It is important that you have captured sufficient description of this.

Attend to feelings it aroused

Re-evaluate experience

You need to show self-awareness and the ability to reflect and provide:


Critical analysis



You must ensure:

Adequate referencing

Supported statements/assertions

Low similarity

No plagiarism

Good referencing

Good paraphrasing

Clear adequate description

Strong analysis

Good flow to the discussion, good sentence construction and grammar.

You are strongly advised to submit a draft. See the Draft submission policy.

You may submit a single draft:

a) An outline of the broad structure of the intended assessment (no more than one page) OR

b) 500 words (maximum) from within the assessment (two sides of A4 in no less than 10pt font size).

You may not submit draft material within two weeks of the final submission date (or for DDS your extended date)

Feedback will not include any indication of expected mark or outcome.

Subsequent drafts are not accepted – it is expected that the feedback offered will be sufficient.

You need to focus upon the concepts of Safe & Effective practice.

You won’t be able to include all concepts in your assignment but you need to demonstrate that you have met the Module Aims:


Roles and relationships of the multidisciplinary team, including Service Users, their expertise and practices

Professional identity – Professionalism

Communication skills

Work place environments


Peer support

Safety culture

Coaching approaches

Digital literacy

Improving patient safety through effective team work

Service-user experience of working with teams

Managing risk & poor practice & preventing unsafe practice

Risks to nursing & health care workers

Building resilience in nurses & health care workers

Supporting service-users self-care & self-management – Coaching

Increasing cultural competence

Inter-personal communication

Intersectionality Social Determinants & Inequality

Intersectionality – Meeting the needs of those with inequalities in health

Suggested Structure for Writing-up your assignment (3000 word limit):

Introduction (+-300 Words): This should signpost the essay and provide background information

Reflective analysis of selected extract/s from my reflective journal using a reflective tool/framework

Experiences of inter-professional working and service user involvement in my clinical practice, focusing upon Safe and effective practice.

Outline the reflective tool/framework (+-200 words max)

Describe the experience/s (+-300 words max) The full description can be placed in the Appendix but the essay must read without needing to read the appendix.

Use the reflective analytical tool/framework to analyse this/these experience/s following the steps it proposes for your critical review

Critical review (+-1500 Words):

Explore your experiences and the concepts of inter-professional working in contemporary health and social care and relate this to safe and effective care

Analyse your experiences and compare these to relevant literature on safe and effective practice involving service users and inter-professional working in practice.

Conclusion (+-300 Words): Briefly summarise what you have explored and emphasise or reinforce the key discussion points you have mentioned but DO NOT introduce a new idea here other than areas for additional development.

Appendix An extended version of your extract of experience/s

Additional assignment Guidance – Safe and Effective Practice Module – BSc Nursing 2019 Cohort

Summative assessment:

Reflect upon selected extracts from the reflective journal that you compiled for your formative assessment and using an appropriate tool, reflectively analyse your experiences of inter-professional working and service user involvement in your clinical practice. 3,000 Words. 100% Weighting. 40% Pass Mark

What you need to do

How to do it

Content to be covered

Suggested outline

You need to demonstrate that you have met the Module Aims:

Show that you have built and developed the skills needed to work within teams. That you have enhanced your knowledge and understanding of the:

Roles, values, expertise and practices of members of the multidisciplinary team

Principles of inter-professional and collaborative practice in health and social care and the nurse’s role within teams.

Principles of co-production

Importance of service user involvement within collaborative practice

You need to complete the Formative Assignment before you can complete the Summative Assignment.

You need to focus upon the concepts of Safe & Effective practice.

Formative Assignment:

Compile a reflective journal whilst you are on your clinical placement.

If you are not in placement you need to compile a journal of previous placement experiences PLUS your personal Service User experiences of health care

Reflect upon your experiences of of Safe & Effective practice in relation to working collaboratively with patients/clients/service users and the professionals involved in their care; including their family, support workers, health and social care practitioners.

You need to capture your experiences which will provide the material for your summative assignment.

It is important that you capture sufficient description of your experiences to enable an analysis of at least one experience in your summative assignment.

Summative assessment:
Reflect upon selected extracts from the reflective journal that you compiled for your formative assessment and using an appropriate tool, reflectively analyse your experiences of inter-professional working and service user involvement in your clinical practice

See column 2)

Keep your focus upon the concepts of Safe & Effective practice, see column 3).

Tips for writing your Reflective Journal

Keep a definite time of day/week to write your journal.

Review your progress & development periodically.

You may find using a reflective framework useful.

Reflect after the event to increase your self- awareness.

Reflect in preparation for possible events to increase your confidence.

Maintain anonymity and the confidentiality of all those people you write about.

Use a framework of your choice to guide you. Whichever framework/tool you use to complete your summative assignment you need to undertake the three components of reflection:

You need to return to the experience/s (in your Reflective Journal). It is important that you have captured sufficient description of this.

Attend to feelings it aroused

Re-evaluate experience

You need to show self-awareness and the ability to reflect and provide:


Critical analysis



You must ensure:

Adequate referencing

Supported statements/assertions

Low similarity

No plagiarism

Good referencing

Good paraphrasing

Clear adequate description

Strong analysis

Good flow to the discussion, good sentence construction and grammar.

You are strongly advised to submit a draft. See the Draft submission policy.

You may submit a single draft:

a) An outline of the broad structure of the intended assessment (no more than one page) OR

b) 500 words (maximum) from within the assessment (two sides of A4 in no less than 10pt font size).

You may not submit draft material within two weeks of the final submission date (or for DDS your extended date)

Feedback will not include any indication of expected mark or outcome.

Subsequent drafts are not accepted – it is expected that the feedback offered will be sufficient.

You need to focus upon the concepts of Safe & Effective practice.

You won’t be able to include all concepts in your assignment but you need to demonstrate that you have met the Module Aims:


Roles and relationships of the multidisciplinary team, including Service Users, their expertise and practices

Professional identity – Professionalism

Communication skills

Work place environments


Peer support

Safety culture

Coaching approaches

Digital literacy

Improving patient safety through effective team work

Service-user experience of working with teams

Managing risk & poor practice & preventing unsafe practice

Risks to nursing & health care workers

Building resilience in nurses & health care workers

Supporting service-users self-care & self-management – Coaching

Increasing cultural competence

Inter-personal communication

Intersectionality Social Determinants & Inequality

Intersectionality – Meeting the needs of those with inequalities in health

Suggested Structure for Writing-up your assignment (3000 word limit):

Introduction (+-300 Words): This should signpost the essay and provide background information

Reflective analysis of selected extract/s from my reflective journal using a reflective tool/framework

Experiences of inter-professional working and service user involvement in my clinical practice, focusing upon Safe and effective practice.

Outline the reflective tool/framework (+-200 words max)

Describe the experience/s (+-300 words max) The full description can be placed in the Appendix but the essay must read without needing to read the appendix.

Use the reflective analytical tool/framework to analyse this/these experience/s following the steps it proposes for your critical review

Critical review (+-1500 Words):

Explore your experiences and the concepts of inter-professional working in contemporary health and social care and relate this to safe and effective care

Analyse your experiences and compare these to relevant literature on safe and effective practice involving service users and inter-professional working in practice.

Conclusion (+-300 Words): Briefly summarise what you have explored and emphasise or reinforce the key discussion points you have mentioned but DO NOT introduce a new idea here other than areas for additional development.

Appendix An extended version of your extract of experience/s


Reflective Essay for Mental Health Student On Vital Sign
When working in mental health with vital signs, we are required to write a reflective journal regarding the experience gained during clinical placement. This journal documents the daily activities and shows the various areas and routines as well as the assigned areas and activities involved. Therefore, the experience and skills gained from the mental health clinical setting are documents in the journal, and this reflective essay will make a direct reference to these activities. Since I was on the placement capacity, the essay bases this learning experience on the placement and the personal service user experience of the healthcare. It also provided a safe and effective practice…


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