Potential risks involved

Every program has risks associated with it. This week, I want you to review your idea and provide a risk analysis. What are the potential risks involved with this program, and what processes can be put in place to manage these risks? One specific risk that I want you to discuss is related to cultural differences. Please assume that your company is a multinational corporation…will this program work in all areas of the business? If not, how can it be adapted for the other country/countries involved?

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Multinational companies are faced with many challenges/ risks in their programs, which if not well taken care of can eventually lead to negative implications such as losses. One such risks are the cultural diversity since such corporations work in global fronts and hence have to be in a position to sail through the diversities witnessed from country to country. It is always a dream of every multinational company to realize an expansion to new markets or opening of new branches. Even as this becomes increasingly necessary (in the wake of competition), challenges and risks cannot be wished away. As a way of evaluating this and many other risks, I will critically evaluate an expansion strategy of a multinational company as part of its strategic plan in a supposed two-year blue print.

Evaluation of The Program As suggested in the introduction section, I hereby assume that there is a multinational company stationed in the…


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