Persistent Experimentation

How Kelvin’s Language Choice Contribute to the Impact of the Message

The choice of language to be used has an important role in conveying the intended message. Kelvin decides to use short sentences which provide a direct path to the main point. The author has avoided the use of verbose words which helps the audience to have a clear understanding of the message being communicated. The short sentences also improve the readability. Furthermore, the use of possessive pronoun “I” demonstrates the author’s demonstration of self-determination and actual focus towards attaining the set goals. The pronoun “I” has also been repeated many times to demonstrate emphasis of the points being communicated, adding powers to possession and to convince any reader that the point being communicated is true. For instance …I got the part that I want, I would go to bed…and I would wake up….. All these demonstrates the author’s emphasis which helps the target audience to easily get the message.


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How Kevin uses Language to Convey Tone

The language used is persuasive in a manner that any reader can be convinced about the efforts the author has put in place to attain the level of success demonstrated in the story. A personal account is more convincing and it presents the persuasive and convincing tone to any audience (Hyland, 2008). The use of possessive pronouns such as “I” and “my” demonstrates that the author intends to convince the audience that determination is key in achieving personal dreams. The words used are also easy to follow and hence appropriate for any audience.

How Kevin uses Voice to carry his Message

There are notable aspects that make the author’s voice unique in the writing. What makes the writing unique is the writer’s narration of experiences and the journey to success. The voice is that of hope and a fulfillment of a personal ambition. Any reader would want to know what happened next in the author’s life. The author ends by asking others to pen down the stories of their lives which should demonstrate hope and focus towards attaining personal ambitions in life. The voice is not only commanding but also persuasive and full of encouragement. For instance, at the end of the writing, the author argues, “I urge you to look for young people with talent, creative abilities and passion in all places.”

Importance of paying attention to Language Choices

There are many reasons as to why it is important to pay attention to the language choices by the author. An appropriate language choice helps the audience to understand the message being communicated. Language choice also helps to explore the areas of emphasis which the author wants the audience to understand better. For instance, through emphasis and use of personalization, the author demonstrates that he is in charge and giving a personal account of the information being communicated (Alfaki, 2015). Appropriate language use also improves credibility and ensures that the audience is carried along in the story.

Necessary Steps to Correctly Answer the Prompt

To respond properly to the prompt, the first step is to provide an overview of the previous readings and which will form the basis for the next discussion point. The next step will be to provide a summary of what the prompt is all about and how the points will be discussed. The topics of the first and subsequent paragraphs will then be discussed with presentation of the evidence in form of a citation that can be used in the discussion. The last step is the conclusion which gives a review of what the prompt was all about and the possible recommendation or personal position regarding the discussion. All conclusion remarks should emerge from what is presented in the discussion.


Alfaki, I. M. (2015). University students’ English writing problems: Diagnosis and remedy.

Hyland, K. (2008). Disciplinary voices: Interactions in research writing. English Text Construction1(1), 5-22.


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