Marketing Research Project

Discuss in detail how you are going to incorporate case studies and ethnographic research into your own marketing research project.

Discuss in detail how you are going to incorporate survey methods into your marketing research project.


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Draw a diagram or flowchart illustrating all qualitative methods you are using in your marketing research project.


Case studies and ethnographic studies are important research designs. A case study is helps generate a more in-depth and multifaceted understanding of a complex research issue in a rather practical approach. Case studies are applied in a variety of research settings and can be applied to generate new ideas which can be analyzed using other methods. Additionally, they are critical ways to illustrate theories and can help depict how varying aspects of a person’s life correlate (Morley, 2018). Ethnographic research design ensures that data is useful as it humanizes a given set of data and also show that real people can face similar consequences as manifested in the decisions made in the research process.
In marketing research projects, ethnographic research design incorporates both systematic observation and contextual interviewing which are key approaches that can help understand the different customer-related aspects. Additionally, ethnographic research can help underscore the expectations of the customers both from a qualitative and quantitative perspective (Hanson & Glăveanu, 2020). Researchers are likely to…


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