Indruction to Computers for Healthcare Professional

Throughout this course, many discussion opportunities arise where you need to respond to other people\’s opinions and comments. Please address this Discussion topic after you have completed your Reading.

Be sure to review the Discussion Board rubric in the course Syllabus for further details.


Tell us about your assignment and we will find the best writer for your project.

Write My Essay For Me

For Discussion this week, locate on the internet an example of a professional PowerPoint presentation discussing the career field that you are interested in entering. Then write a critique of the presentation incorporating the items below. Be sure to support your responses with appropriate sources as well as your own personal opinion.

Do not base your post on a presentation that has already been reviewed by one of your classmates in an earlier post. If you post a presentation that another classmate has already posted, I will e-mail you as you must post another. So, this is one of those discussion boards where the earlier you post, the better for you!

Do not base your post on a presentation that has already been reviewed by one of your classmates in an earlier post.

Include the following in your 350 word critique, written in paragraph format (no title page is required):
•Name the topic and intended audience.
•Critique the design and its visual appeal. What appeals to you as a viewer? Why?
•In your opinion, does the presentation fully explain the author’s intended message?
•Does the presentation display correct grammar and punctuation aligned with the conventions of Standard American English?
•Provide APA citations following APA guidelines for all sources, including the presentation you critique, so that others may review it.

The viewpoint and purpose of this discussion should be clearly established and sustained. Your response should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Your writing should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Use the APA guidelines for all citations. More details can be found in the GEL-1.1 Universal Writing Rubric found in Doc Sharing.

For additional help with your writing and APA citations, please visit the Kaplan University Writing Center and view this KUWC APA resource:

For guidelines on writing a critique, consult the KUWC resource, Writing a Critical Essay.


Use of Computers in Medicine

Computer and Medicine was a presentation done by Mashiat Mimosa on May 13th, 2011.

I like the fact that the presenter of this PowerPoint presentation has gone to great lengths to appreciate the tremendous journey the use of computers has undertaken over the various generations. He acknowledges that the prospects of further innovations in the application of computers especially in the medical field cannot be comprehended. He seems confident that there is more to come and medicine stands to benefit from these innovations. However, I struggled to understand why the presenter would not choose one design and stick with it throughout the presentation. The presenter uses different slide styles throughout the paper that causes confusion. In addition, the author uses mixed up color schemes in every single slide. The importance of developing a theme when doing designing a presentation must not be underestimated in contributing to the visual appeal of the PowerPoint. Choosing the right hues that relate to medicine would have brought out a better theme (Kosslyn, 2007). For example, using cooler colors like certain shades of blue and green that…


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