How will you organize the curriculum to integrate the special interests and materials, activities, and routines for students with ASD across curriculum?

The overall number of kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) has increased tremendously over the years. Currently, 1 in every 88 children is believed to have ASD (CDC, 2012). Additionally, research indicates that the rate of learners with ASD taking part in the general education environment for at least eighty percent of the learning time rose from 9 percent in 1992 to 31 percent in 2005 (USDOE, 2010). This indicates an aggregate rise of 244 percent. To cater to this overwhelming number of students with ASD, educators across the board must be equipped with additional guidelines on how to achieve the varying needs of learners with ASD in an inclusive structure.
Some components of mainstream teaching regarded as a viable practice are not always applicable for learners with ASD. However, there are several ways leaners’ with ASD can comprehensively be included. First, teachers need to be sufficiently trained in educating learners with disabilities, especially those with ASD (Burns, Leblanc &Richardson,2009). ASD is such a challenging disorder, and there is a quality amount…


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