How does academic dishonesty undermine the purpose of graduate school?

Think about how the types of situations mentioned in the Policy Violations examples from your readings, might arise during your academic career. How does academic dishonesty undermine the purpose of graduate school?


Academic dishonesty in graduate school undermines the purpose of graduate school in several ways. Firstly, it undermines the integrity of the educational system. If graduate students engage in academic dishonesty, it calls into question the validity of the degrees they earn. Secondly, it undermines the development of critical thinking, creativity and problem-solving skills. Graduate students are expected to conduct independent research, develop original ideas and contribute new knowledge to their field. Academic dishonesty prevents them from developing these skills. Thirdly, it undermines the development of ethics and integrity. Graduate students are expected to conduct themselves with integrity and adhere to high ethical standards in their research. Academic dishonesty is a violation of these standards. Finally, academic dishonesty undermines the sense of community among graduate students. Graduate students rely on each …Order a customized and more comprehensive answer here


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