HOMEWORK GUIDE | Professional advocacy is about supporting the interests of one’s profession.

Professional advocacy is about supporting the interests of one’s profession. Professional associations advocate for their members by uniting as a single voice and taking action to advance or remove barriers to the profession. Nurse practitioners (NPs) unite in member-created associations and organizations at many different levels: local, state, national, and international. They unite as specialty groups to further the goals or interests of their profession. Each of these organizations has a purpose or mission, membership benefits, and role in professional advocacy.

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While individually the NP may be able to contact a legislator on an issue of concern, a professional organization has the collective power of being able to be heard in numbers. These organizations are poised to take the course of action needed to influence the stakeholders. Just as these groups take action to make change, individual NPs must take action to promote their own professional interests and causes. One of the best ways a professional can support their profession is by joining an association or organization. | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT writtask.com |
1. Join a NP association at the local, state, national or international level (join as a student).
o The American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)
2. Discuss the mission and vision of this organization.
3. Describe the requirements for membership.
4. Explain at least five benefits to belonging to this organization.
5. Demonstrate understanding of the advocacy efforts of this organization by answering the following:
o What are the current key issues of concern? (name at least three)
o What actions are being taken by this organization to address these concerns?
o What current legislative efforts are being done by this organization in one of the following areas:
 Expanding the NP scope of practice
 NP regulation of practice
 Healthcare policy
 Payment issues
 Prescriptive privileges
6. Reflect on how your membership to this organization can promote the NP profession.


Mission and vision of America Association of Nurse Practitioners Organization

The mission of the AANP is to empower all the nurses with the aim of advancing the general quality of healthcare through practice education, advocacy, research, and leadership. In other words, the AANP aims at bringing together the nurse practitioners to advocate better working conditions on their behalf, to boost research activities and to expose them to leadership | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT writtask.com | the AANP is to promote high quality | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT writtask.com | hopes to achieve this by enhancing the efficiency of the member nurses, through accreditation of academic qualifications and through the support of member abilities and skills.

Requirements for Membership

AANP offers membership to different categories ranging from those beginning their NP education to those retiring from the profession. To become a member as a NP, one should have completed a program directly relating to the Nursing profession and must possess the necessary certifications as evidence of | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT writtask.com | nationality of the person must be certified by the approved | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT writtask.com | Organization wants to become a | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT writtask.com | of the AANP, there are charges that | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT writtask.com | that organization has less than one hundred members the charges | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT writtask.com | of membership begins with filling the application | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT writtask.com | where all the qualifications are confirmed before the membership is | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT writtask.com | individuals seeking AANP membership must have a proved association with the Nursing profession.

Benefits of Belonging to This Organization AANP membership comes with plenty | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT writtask.com | practicing Nurse professionals have a special member | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT writtask.com | that allows them to access digital clinical tools on unlimited | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT writtask.com | members can access the CE center which provides them with plenty of educational activities designed specifically to help the practicing…


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