Essay : Your beliefs about school and how they are affected by everything that goes on inside and outside of the classroom

For this autobiography project you will write a 2-3 page paper about how the informal system has influenced your educational experiences. For example, you could discuss different “climates” related to your school experiences and how these helped or hindered your academic success.

In your autobiography, be sure to address things from the chapter such as:


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Your beliefs about school and how they are affected by everything that goes on inside and outside of the classroom i.e. teachers, students, busses, cafeteria, extracurricular activities, arts, music, clubs, friends, parents, volunteers, administrators, community involvement, budgets, laws, etc.

The “hidden curriculum” and the school as an agent of socialization

The role of culture within a school and the way culture contributes to the overall climate

This is not a “history of me” paper, but rather a focused project where you discuss how the informal system has influenced your entire education. In your paper, I should see some synthesis of what was discussed in the chapter, and it should provide a glimpse of you and your educational experiences.


Like all other social organizations, schools offer a formal and informal environment. The formal system covers the set curriculum and is guided by formal rules. The informal system consists of the school climate, culture, and the hidden curriculum. My belief about school is that both the formal and informal systems are critical to academic success and all stakeholders should work towards creating positive formal and informal relations. The informal school system needs to be taken very seriously as it contributes towards the creation of a conducive or unconducive learning environment. The informal system has dramatically…


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