ESSAY : Performance Measurement

New York City has a very robust performance measurement system, which is contained in the Mayors Management Report. The information in the Management Report pertain to the Internal perspective in the Balanced Scorecard.

The link to the Mayors Management Report is: Select one agency from the drop-down menu. Select the tab Review Performance Indicators for the area in that agency you are interested in.


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Select three indicators, and look at the trend from FY2014 to FY2017. At least one of the indicators should be getting worse. In your post, describe the indicators you selected, comment on whether the trend shows things are improving or getting worse, and comment on how and why these indicators are important to customers (citizens). Also, briefly look at two other agencies, and comment on what you think about the Mayor’s Management Report in terms of how comprehensive it is and whether you thought this data would have been available to any citizen.


The selected agency is Environmental Protection and the first performance indicator is the sewer backup complaints resolved or confirmed on the city structure whose trend was generally declining. The second performance indicator was the water main breaks whose trend was neutral and the cleaning of the catch basin that was generally improved.
The first indicator is very appropriate and important for the city residents since it is the mandate of any city to ensure that the city sewerage system is kept clean all the time. The fact that the confirmed sewer backup complaints on the city structure were declining, it implies that the city was doing its task in responding to the concerns of its residents (Kearney, 2018). The mandated department always ensured that target areas…


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