Essay : Identifying Fallicies

This week’s lecture focused on applying some of the intellectual standards discussed in previous weeks and applying them to the news media. This week’s lecture also focused on the different fallacies that individuals make when trying to persuade you. Think of some of the disagreements or arguments you have had in the past – either at a personal, educational or professional level. Describe the disagreement or argument. What kinds of fallacies did you or they use as part of the argument? Was it persuasive? Did you feel good critical thinking was used in any of your examples?

Your work should be at least 500 words, but mostly draw from your own personal experience. This should be written in first person and give examples from your life.


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Identifying Fallacies
There are numerous illogical arguments that are used in the day to day lives to persuade people to behave in a certain way or take certain decisions. According to Hitchcock (2017), a fallacy is a flaw within a logic or reasoning of a statement that tends to support the argument. Fallacies are often mistaken beliefs that are based on unsound arguments and commonly derived from a reasoning style that is logically incorrect…


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