ESSAY : Effects of Emotions

Use the following guiding questions to help you develop the remainder of the Argument section and the Counterargument section of your critical essay. First, answer each of the questions below to draft your ideas. Then, complete the Outline for Writing section, using your answers to the questions to help you draft a paragraph response for each of the sections below.

II. This set of questions is designed to help you draft ideas for the remaining parts of the Presented Argument section for your critical essay.


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A. Looking at the article that you have chosen, explain how the argument contains or avoids bias.

i. Does the argument contain or avoid bias? How?

ii. Provide specific examples to support your explanation.

B. Discuss the credibility of the overall argument and answer the following:

i. Were the resources upon which the argument is built credible?

• Why or why not?

ii. Does the credibility support or undermine the article’s claims in any important ways?

• How?

Outline for Writing

The argument that I have selected contains/avoids bias. It does this by (provide examples). I have assessed the credibility of the argument to be credible/not credible because the resources in the article were credible/not credible in that they . The credibility of this article supports/undermines the argument’s claims by .

III. Before answering the questions below and drafting the Counterargument section of your critical essay, read the articles listed under “Additional Resources” and “Scholarly Resources” columns for your article found on the Final Project Topics and Resources Page in Blackboard. Then, use these additional resources to craft your own counterargument to the argument initially presented in your chosen article.

A. Construct an alternative argument to that of your selected article.

i. After reading the Additional and Scholarly resources associated with your primary article, construct an alternative argument to the claim being made in your primary article.

ii. What are the premises and conclusion of your argument?

iii. What evidence or additional research supports the claim you are making in your argument?

B. Explain the logic and reasoning you are planning to use to advance your argument.

i. What assumptions and resources can you use to advance your argument?

C. Identify any weaknesses in your argument that would require additional research or support.

D. Explain how your previously identified personal experience with the topic may create emotional influences, values or bias.

Outline for Writing

My claim of my alternative argument is . My premises, , lead to the conclusion that . I make this claim because of (describe your evidence and resources). This argument considers assumptions. Some weaknesses in this argument are and require additional research pertaining to . The personal experiences that I have identified previously with regard to this topic may create as a form of emotional influence/values/bias in this argument.
Overview: Emotional influences often blind us to facts and evidence that should be obvious (e.g., the wise old truism “love is blind” is based on an experience that almost everyone has fallen victim to at least once in their lives). Recognizing subjective influences in our own and other’s thinking is thus essential to reasoning and to assessing arguments. Consider this example scenario: You are offered a new job with a huge increase in pay.You are starting the job in two weeks, and will get your first paycheck two weeks after that. You are very excited and your mind jumps to all the possibilities of how your life will change with this new opportunity. This weekend you go out and buy a brand new SUV. The next day, after the excitement starts to come down, you find yourself with buyer’s remorse, and worry about being able to afford the vehicle if the job offer somehow falls through. In this situation, the excitement of the new job and pay potential hindered the thought process, potentially causing additional stress, since you haven’t started the new job yet, or received the new paycheck to confirm that you are able to afford the increased payment for the SUV. An option you could have considered is waiting until you started the job and received your first paycheck to determine if the new car payment would fit into your budget.In this scenario, the emotions created by the excitement of a new joband increase in pay resulted in an impact on this individual’s through process. In this journal assignment, you will consider a time when emotion influenced a decision in your life.

Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elementsmust be addressed in your journal assignment:

I.Emotional Influence:

To begin your journal assignment, describe a time when emotion influenced a personal or professional decision in your lifeto offer instructor some context.

A.Identify an instance where emotion influenced a decision.Be sure to provide details to present context to the situation.

B.Describehow this emotional influence on your thinkingexerted a positive or negative influence.

C.Discuss whetherthis influence helpedor hinderedyour thought process?

1.If it helped you think more clearly, how so?

2.If it hindered your thought process, what could you have done to make this emotional influence a more positive and helpful one?


There are many times when my emotions have often influenced my decisions. However, one notable one was some pyramid scheme. There was a time when online traders/gamblers visited our place. They explained how an investment of $ 800 as a bronze member, $ 1000 as a silver member, and $ 1200 as a gold member could help one earn triple the amount invested in two-months time. The deal sounded even better after indicating that inviting a new member would entitle one to a 15% commission. To make it sound very real, details of the trading, and how ‘people with experience’ have previously made themselves rich through the investment.
Two of my friends took the silver package and convinced me not to worry as the deal sounded real. Therefore, I opted to invest in the gold package knowing all too well that the returns will be soon. I even thought of convincing two other people to access the…


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