Elements of Reasoning and Intellectual Standards

Using the Eight Elements of Reasoning that were outlined in week two (purpose, problem, information, concepts, assumptions, inferences, points of view, implications, or consequences) choose a news article and break it down according to those elements. Make sure you address each of these elements. If one of these elements does not apply to your article (rare), address that in your essay and explain how the article could have been improved by including it or how the author is justified in leaving it out.

Assignment Organization Guide to help you organize your paper. File is attached.


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For either option you choose:

Write an introduction identifying the reasons for choosing either Option A and justify your reasoning.

In the conclusion of your essay, describe how you feel the article is biased.

Keep in mind, for either option you are being asked to analyze the article/author itself/himself/herself, NOT the topic discussed. Do not include your own opinion/position on the topic being addressed.

Your completed assignment should be 500-750 words in length. If you use sources in your writing, be sure to identify them. If you use any direct language from a source, be sure to place those words in quotation marks.


News Article Analysis
My preferred option for this task is Option A, the Elements of Reasoning. Correct reasoning is crucial in solving problems, communicating ideas, understanding issues, among other things. One reason for selecting elements of reasoning to analyze a news’ article is that the elements help one critically examine whether a writer was successful in their attempt to communicate their ideas (Munson & Black, 2016). Another reason is that the elements can help one better understand how to write such articles. This paper aims …
Grieve (2018) clearly stated the purpose of the article in the title and elaborated further in the body of the article. The purpose was to convince the British people to…


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