Directions: For this assignment, you will select and critique one article from a popular media source

Directions: For this assignment, you will select and critique one article from a popular media source (e.g., newspaper, magazine, news journal, etc.) that provides information regarding a health disparity within a population group and complete the questions below. Please make sure to use complete sentences when answering each question. Make sure the health disparity is different from your research assignment. In addition, the article must have been published within the last 2 years.



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  1. Provide the article reference and link. (1point)

Chalhoub, T., & Rimar, K. (2018). The Health Care System and Racial Disparities in Maternal Mortality. Retrieved from

  • What health disparity is the article highlighting? (1point)

Chalhoub and Rimar (2018) draws specific attention to the complicated issue of healthiness inequalities in maternal and infant deaths in the African American society.

  • Why is this information newsworthy? How would it benefit the public health community? (3 points)

The data material offered regarding the maternal and infant mortality for Women and infants from black American societies is newsworthy since women from the black community have higher chances of dying from childbirth than other minority communities like the non-Hispanic white women. Additionally, most African American…


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