Determine whether the market structure of the industry in which your chosen company operates is perfectly competitive, monopolistically competitive, oligopolistic, or monopolistic.

Microeconomic Analysis Paper – Apple Inc/iPhone/Smartphone: Market Structure

Apple is a part of the Technology industry, and the iPhone is part of the Smartphone industry.


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IV. Apple Inc/iPhone/Smartphone – Market Structure
a) Determine whether the market structure of the industry in which your chosen company operates is perfectly competitive, monopolistically competitive, oligopolistic, or monopolistic. Justify your response.
b) Assess how the type of market structure impacts your chosen company’s financial performance as measured by performance variables over the past three years. Support your response with data and graphs illustrating two performance variables of your choosing (e.g., sales, net income, stock price) over time.
c) How would possible changes in the industry’s market structure impact your chosen company’s business strategy in the future? Keep your company’s current business strategy in mind in your response.

Part I Final Submission: Microeconomic Analysis Paper
In Module Seven, you will submit your microeconomic analysis paper. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of Final Project Part I, including Sections I and IV, which were not covered in the milestones. The final submission should first determine whether the market structure of the industry in which your chosen company operates is perfectly competitive, monopolistically competitive, oligopolistic, or monopolistic. Justify your response. Second, it should assess how the type of market structure impacts your chosen company’s financial performance as measured by performance variables over the past three years. Support your response with data and graphs illustrating two performance variables of your choosing (e.g., sales, net income, stock price) over time. Finally, your paper should answer the following question: How would possible changes in the industry’s market structure impact your chosen company’s business strategy in the future? Keep your company’s current business strategy in mind in your response. The final microanalysis paper should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained thus far in the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Part I Rubric.


Apple Inc. is regarded as one of the largest IT companies in the world. The company is a multinational company that has its headquarters in Cupertino, California. The company designs, develops and then sells electronics as well as computer software besides other | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | products are made of the Mac personal computer, the iPad tablet, the iPod portable media player among | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | established on 1st April 1976 by three founders; Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Wozniak Steve. The motivation behind the establishment of the company was the apple farm that Steve Jobs visited when maintaining a fruitarian diet. The innovators wanted to make …

Since 1984 when the Macintosh was first widely marketed as a personal computer with a specific graphical user interface (GUI), other products have since been established. The company has also adopted a rather non-traditional corroborate culture. The company’s operation and strategy has seen it be ranked as successful part of the Fortune 500 companies for a | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | has a strong reputation for excellence as well as fostering | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | culture of employee autonomy makes it one of the most attractive employers especially to the talented | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | also lies in in its strategic vision that surpassed basic desktop computing to critical responses to the technological needs of society like adopting mobile devices and wearables. Additionally, both…

Apple’s Market Structure

Apple Inc. can be said to be operating as an oligopolistic market structure. An oligopoly market structure is a structure where a small number of firms occupy a large share of the market. Unlike in a monopoly market where only one player determines the price of products or services offered, in oligopoly, either two or more firms determine the price to be charged in the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | is no designate limit of entrants in the oligopoly market, the number needs to be low enough that the actions of one can easily influence the operations of the other firms in | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | reasons to justify Apple being an oligopoly especially in the smartphone operating | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | products are regarded as too costly making its products favorable for a specific target market. It is also challenging for competitors to keep up with the perceived quality of products manufactured by the | PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW AT | is a multi-billion-dollar company which is able to outsource from foreign countries. The financial capacity makes Apple have a competitive…


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