Define professionalism. What behaviors and skills are needed for effective professionalism in the workplace?

Define professionalism. What behaviors and skills are needed for effective professionalism in the workplace? What professional behaviors and skills are essential to the work environment?


Professionalism is the combination of abilities, skills, perception, and knowledge, which are cultivated and honed over an intensive and long academic process (Monrouxe & Rees, 2017). The skills could also be developed from having practiced the art or activity intensively over a long time. In healthcare, professionalism involves the behaviors and attitudes that shape a health provider’s approach and response to their patients.


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Professionalism in the workplace requires an individual to behave in a particular manner while ensuring they have the needed skill set to work and act professionally in the workplace, no matter the tasks or circumstances (Reed et al., 2008). The characteristic behaviors portrayed by professionals are self-motivation, time management, effective communication, self-confidence, empathy, especially in the case of health providers, communication, time management, integrity, teamwork, respect, diplomacy, appropriate dressing, and personal hygiene. The xxx required xxx a professional in the xxx is xxx and knowledge to handle the task. Secondly, a xxx can engage in xxx thinking and xxx discussions xxx faced with a dilemma at work (Reed et al., 2008). Thirdly, a xxx can honor xxx while being xxx for their xxx and words. The fourth xxx set is reliability; the xxx and your xxx can trust that the assignments handed to a professional can be completed on time and done effectively. The fifth skill xxx by professionals is the xxx to display xxx in their xxx, which is done by listening to other individuals on their team or those they…


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