DAT 610: Milestone Four Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: Once all the analysis is complete and the reports are written, a presentation is often given to the board of directors or other stakeholders. This milestone is an opportunity to create a rough draft of a presentation to give to such a group.
Prompt: Company XYZ’s chief risk officer has asked you to present the information from your three proposals at the annual meeting of the stockholders. The stakeholders also need to be convinced of the usefulness of using data analytics in risk assessment and management.
Use your proposals to create a presentation that transparently communicates the level and severity of risk for stakeholders while highlighting the usability of the proposed tools. This is your opportunity to promote the use of data analytics in risk assessment and management.
Specifically, you must address the following critical elements:

  1. Micro and Macro Levels and Severity of Risk
    Create enterprise risk management visualizations that best demonstrate the organization’s macro- and micro-level risks and their severity.
  2. Tailoring Visualizations to Audience
    Tailor your visualizations to the needs of your audience. This will require consideration of the experiences of your audience, the message you intend to deliver, and so on.
  3. Data Analytics Promotion
    Promote data analytics as a necessity for enhancing risk assessment through improving risk assessment and management programs, policies, and strategies for your company by explaining how using real data can make a significant difference for the organization.
    Guidelines for Submission: Where applicable, APA-style citations must be used. For specifics on the presentation, see the notes at the end of this document.



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