Daily Reflection Journal #6

 Instructions For Weekly Journaling

Week 6-Vulnerability: Predisposing Factors, Part 1


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Topics-Rural & Migrant Health, Poverty, Homelessness, Pregnancy, Mental Health

Reading-Stanhope & Lancaster, Part 6, Chapters 21, 22, 23

Objectives for Week 6

  1. Define vulnerable populations, groups, and individual and social factors leading to vulnerability (SLO # 6)
  2. Examine ways that public policies affect vulnerable populations and strategies nurses can use to improve the health status and reduce health disparities in these groups. (SLO # 3)
  3. Define rural, urban, and migrant farmworker and describe the health status and common health problems of these populations, and access to health care services. (SLO # 3)
  4. Explain the role of the nurse for serving these vulnerable groups. (SLO # 4)
  5. Describe the social, political, cultural, and environmental factors influencing poverty, the mentally ill, and homelessness, and the effects on health and well-being on individuals, families, and communities. (SLO # 6)
  6. Describe the ways in which teen pregnancies affect the baby, parents, and their families (SLO # 8)
  7. Explain nursing interventions for the prevention of pregnancy problems, at-risk adolescents, the poor and homeless, and the mentally ill (SLO # 8)


Stanhope, M. &Lancaster, J. (2018). Foundations for population health in community/public health nursing(5thed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Please include the:

  1. Learning Objectives for the week
  2. Your Goals
  3. Description of the Activities and Observations during your clinical hours
  4. If you met the Learning Objectives and your Goals

 Learning Objectives:








Activities and Observations: List the time you spent during clinical

Did you meet any of the Learning Objectives and Goals? Describe:

The last week of our Community Health clinical rotation in Villa Siena, 1855 Miramonte Ave, Mountain View, CA 94040, was very interesting. This week we presented stretch exercises in front of the residents and explained the benefit of activities.  The patients are from Villa Siena, which is a senior living community within Mountain view. They are sponsored by the daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul and are open to seniors aged sixty years and older. Most patient’s population is suffering from Dementia. My partner and I worked on a Group project in this facility. Our topic was Dementia patient management using non-pharmacological methods.  We presented some stretch exercises to wheelchair bonded patients. We gave some gift cards to the management and the rest of the staff with thank you cards.


RN406 Reflection Grading Rubric

RN406 Reflection Grading Rubric
Learning Objectives (4-5) for the week included Learning objectives are described at beginning of week30 to >0.0 pts Complete 0 pts Incomplete30 pts
Learning Goals and description of activities and observations during clinical hours Describe Learning goals for the week related to the learning objectives. Describe how these were met during your clinical time35 to >0.0 pts Complete 0 pts Incomplete35 pts
Learning objectives, goals met and lessons learned Describe how you met each learning objective and goals and lessons learned from your clinical experience35 to >0.0 pts Complete 0 pts Incomplete35 pts
Total Points: 100

Instructions For Weekly Journaling
Please include the:
1. Learning Objectives for the week
2. Your Goals
3. Description of the Activities and Observations during your clinical hours
4. If you met the Learning Objectives and your Goals

Learning Objectives:


Activities and Observations: List the time you spent during clinical

Did you meet any of the Learning Objectives and Goals? Describe:


Learning Objectives

  1. In a week’s time, to ensure that community residents understand what stretch exercises are and the role they play in improve the overall health wellbeing of community members
  2. To ensure that in a month’s time, patients diagnosed with dementia are offered the necessary mental and psychological help and they adopt to the prevailing healthcare settings
  3. For wheelchair bonded patients, to ensure that these patients are given necessary facilities that can enhance their physical mobility
  4. The fourth objective is to ensure that within a month of healthcare intervention, the staff understands mechanisms on how to take care of the elderly patients especially those suffering from chronic conditions
  5. At the end of the learning process, to have staff who understand their roles and responsibilities that can aid delivery of quality care…


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