Parent Guide: Tourette Syndrome
Tourette syndrome is a disorder which mostly affects individuals under the age of twenty years. The condition is always characterized by multiple motor and vocal tics (Forde et al., 2016). Eye blinking, cleaning the throat, facial movements and coughing are some of the tics which show one has Tourette syndrome.
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Signs and Symptoms of Tourette Syndrome
An individual with this condition will start experiencing difficulty in inhibiting thoughts and actions like any other average person. A person will begin engaging in inappropriate behaviors due to the inability of applying mental control. Some of these behaviors may be silly, emotional outburst, commenting inappropriately and defiance. The condition also makes people posse oppositional behaviors. People are told to carry out a specific task and while on the course the individual is doing an entirely different thing from the instructed (Pittenger, 2017). A person indicating…