Child Welfare Agency Management

Foster care is an important avenue through which the welfare of many underprivileged children in society receive quality services. In a community that is poverty stricken, school drop-out cases and crime rates are likely to occur. Consequently, the work for foster care is to provide the day to day care for the children and the young people in the community, provide their educational, health and other social needs (Wells, 2006). Despite this noble mandate, foster care centers have to contend with many challenges such as mismanagement and laxity from those tasked with the privilege of taking care of foster families. Some child welfare workers abuse their responsibilities which eventually compromise the mandate for which the agency was established. As a new graduate from St. Leo University, I wish to apply for the position of a Coordinator of a Foster Care Division in a State Welfare Agency as described in scenario 2. My role will involve recruiting foster families for children in the region, training foster families and hiring foster care case managers among other responsibilities.

Type of Agency


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The selected type of agency is foster care whose mandate is to meet the protection and to take care of the needs of children who are admitted in foster care. Furthermore, the mandate of the agency will be to work in collaboration with the children’s family as a way of addressing the unique needs faced by the individual families. The agency will be a private not for profit organization with the main mandate being to address the specific needs of the children in the community.

Other than the day-to-day care of the children as well as the young, the other activities to be accomplished by foster care include advocating on behalf of the child, to support their social and health needs, manage their challenging behavior and to keep records about the child in order to guarantee best intervention measures. To achieve the set mandate, there are notable financial resources available in the foster care agency (Poertner et al., 2000). Most of the finances come from the charitable donations with others being grants from the government. The donations have particularly been critical in helping the smooth running and operation of the foster care agency.

Marketing and Fundraising Plan

A good fundraising plan helps the foster care program to be financially independent and to meet the set needs of the children. The first marketing strategy is to craft an appealing outreach message for the target audience. The message to the potential donors will be to donate towards saving the livelihood of the less fortunate in society. Any potential donor who understands the mission of the agency will be ready to contribute towards the noble course. Incentivizing the top fundraisers and reminding them that they have a noble mandate of making a positive impact in society will help to raise more funds for the wellbeing of the children. My plan will also entail facilitating grassroots fundraising my engaging community members and allowing them to be part of the agency. It will be important to allow them take ownership of the agency for instance…


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