Budget Plan

One of the most important strategy of ensuring the success of a child welfare center is to have a well-balanced budget. The agency will only meet its mandate when there is a balance between the money the agency is able to get from donors and what it will spend. Understanding the budget helps improve the operational efficiency of the organization (Devereux & Kapingidza, 2020). Additionally, a well-designed budget will inform the agency on whether there is capacity to bring more children on board. For the nonprofit organization, although there are many volunteers, a budget is necessary in helping the organization accomplish its goals. Furthermore, the budget will form the basis for raising money, making reports to the board of trustees and communicating what the organization does to the outside world (Glassdoor.com, 2019). This task seeks to design a budget plan for the children’s agency presented in the business plan.

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Organizational Budget Plan

Income Sources

External stakeholder donations                                              $ 29,500                                 

Contributions from board of trustees                                      $ 28,000

Events and Honoraria (Run for a child initiative)                  $ 26,000

Organization’s dinner party                                                    $ 23,000                                 

Major donor gifts                                                                    $ 25,000

California state grant                                                              $ 29,000

Other income generating activities                                         $ 13,300

Total Income                                                              $ 173,800


Advertising for what the organization offers                         $ 4,000

Volunteer/ staff appreciation (token)                                      $ 7,000

Dues and subscriptions to the relevant NGO bodies              $ 2,500

Permanent staff insurance schemes                                        $ 9,300

Children insurance                                                                  $ 7,000

Food and Kitchen supply                                                        $ 15,000

Licenses and permits                                                               $ 2,500

Office supplies                                                                        $ 10,000

Printing and reproduction                                                       $ 3,000

Repairs, upgrades and general maintenance                           $ 7,000

Consultancy charges                                                               $ 3,500

Staff Salary, FICA and Taxes                                                

                                                Social workers                        $ 10,000

                                                Counselors                              $ 9,500

                                                Financial manager                   $ 12,000

                                                Accountant                             $ 11,000

                                                Project manager                      $ 16,000

                                                Executive director                   $ 16,500

                                                Part-time advocate                  $ 6,000

Telephone and internet                                                           $ 4,500

Training and development                                                      $ 11,500

Utilities                                                                                   $ 3,000

Miscellaneous                                                                          $ 4,000

                                                Total Expenses                                                          $ 173,800

In establishing the budget plan, there are several considerations that had to be made. First, there are no rent charges in the first few years as the agency will be housed in one of the residential areas voluntarily given by one of the boards of trustee members (Zulu, 2018). Often, this could have resulted in remarkable figures in terms of expenses that the agency has to contend with (Gudeta, 2017). However, there are other fixed annual charges that cannot be evaded even when the rental charges are set aside. For instance, the cost of electricity, water bills and other standing charges have to be considered.

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Training and development are another important consideration that the agency will have to consider. Most of the volunteers will be from different backgrounds with either no or minimal experiences on child advocacy. It is thus important to consider considering them for training as well as financially appreciating them for their efforts (Savethe children.org.uk). This however should not be considered as salary as it is based on the availability of funds.

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Other than expenses, proper consideration has been made regarding the potential income for the company. As stated in the introduction, incomes will help determine whether the agency will comfortably attain its mandate or not (Dankyi, Mazzucato & Manuh, 2017). Several considerations have been made as sources of income for the agency. The main source of income will be from donors especially after several proposals have been sent out. Other stakeholders such as the board of trustees, friends and other people of good will are also projected to contribute a noteworthy amount (US Department of health). Since the expenses and incomes are balanced, the agency is in a good position to foster its activities.


Devereux, S., & Kapingidza, S. (2020). External donors and social protection in Africa: A case study of Zimbabwe. In From Colonialism to International Aid (pp. 273-302). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Dankyi, E., Mazzucato, V., & Manuh, T. (2017). Reciprocity in global social protection: Providing care for migrants’ children. Oxford Development Studies45(1), 80-95. https://doi.org/10.1080/13600818.2015.1124078

Gudeta, K. (2017). Budgeting and budget performance evaluation (In case of save the children international-ethiopia country office (Doctoral dissertation, St. Mary’s University).

Glassdoor.com, (2019). Board of Directors Salaries. Retrieved from https://www.glassdoor.com/Salaries/board-of-directors-salary-SRCH_KO0,18.htm

Savethe children.org.uk, How do we pay our Staff. Retrieved from https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/about-us/accountability-and-transparency/how-we-pay-our-staff

US Department of health, Grants and funding. Retrieved from https://www.acf.hhs.gov/grants

Zulu, S. (2018). The use of monitoring and evaluation systems by Non-Governmental Organizations: A case study of Umthombo Street Children SA (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from http://ukzn-dspace.ukzn.ac.za/bitstream/handle/10413/18385/Zulu_Sphiwe_2018.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y


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